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University at Buffalo, The State University of New York School of Management
Logo University at Buffalo, The State University of New York School of Management

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The School of Management and the School of Dental Medicine collaboratively offer a five year program leading to both the DDS (Doctor Dental Surgery) and MBA (Master of Business Administration) degrees. These two leading programs combine to give future dentists the best in dental and business education. Students who pursue this dual degree will ideally be prepared for clinical dentistry as well as the business challenges of clinical practice.

The collaborative program reduces by one year the usual pattern of a four-year dental surgery program and a two-year MBA program. Each candidate must meet the degree requirements of each program, except for a reduction in total credit hours required. St…

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The School of Management and the School of Dental Medicine collaboratively offer a five year program leading to both the DDS (Doctor Dental Surgery) and MBA (Master of Business Administration) degrees. These two leading programs combine to give future dentists the best in dental and business education. Students who pursue this dual degree will ideally be prepared for clinical dentistry as well as the business challenges of clinical practice.

The collaborative program reduces by one year the usual pattern of a four-year dental surgery program and a two-year MBA program. Each candidate must meet the degree requirements of each program, except for a reduction in total credit hours required. Students will complete a total of 227.5 credit hours, which will consist of 182.5 in Dentistry and 45 in Management.

Students wishing to pursue the dual program should apply to the MBA program prior to their first year of DDS study. Applications for the MBA program must be submitted online beginning at the School of Management's website. Information and personal advisement are available at 203 Alfiero Center, North Campus. Applicants must be considered for and accepted to each degree program independently. Therefore, they should be in process with the School of Dental Medicine and School of Management simultaneously and must meet the individual admissions criteria of each school. However, the School of Management will accept the DAT (Dental Admission Test) in place of the GMAT. The deadline for receipt of DDS/MBA Dual Degree applications and all supporting materials is February 1.

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