Masters in Business Administration


Masters in Business Administration

Woodbury University
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Woodbury’s MBA program is designed to prepare leaders who are effective and ethical. It aspires to help future leaders in discovering their authentic voice that is guided by a strong moral compass. Our motto is ‘transform the world by transforming yourself.’

Our goal is to help you achieve success that is imbued with significance and meaning. Success is about getting, significance is about giving: We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give. Success is about doing, significance is about being: We are not human “doings;” we are human “beings.”  Success is external, significance is internal: Success aims to acquire external objects; significance aims to harness inner quali…

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Woodbury’s MBA program is designed to prepare leaders who are effective and ethical. It aspires to help future leaders in discovering their authentic voice that is guided by a strong moral compass. Our motto is ‘transform the world by transforming yourself.’

Our goal is to help you achieve success that is imbued with significance and meaning. Success is about getting, significance is about giving: We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give. Success is about doing, significance is about being: We are not human “doings;” we are human “beings.”  Success is external, significance is internal: Success aims to acquire external objects; significance aims to harness inner qualities. We pursue success, significance ensues: Success is acquired while significance is discovered and embodied.

Stephen Covey warns that you don’t want to climb the ladder of success only to find that it is leaning against the wrong wall. This statement captures the essence of the difference between success and significance. Covey further states that “If your ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the wrong place faster.”

The world needs a totally different breed of leaders, leaders who are centered and not self-centered. Woodbury’s MBA program is specially designed to help you discover, polish and share your unique gifts and talents. It is all about learning, living, and leaving a legacy.

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