Pro Tools 10 112: Advanced Editing Techniques

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Pro Tools 10 112: Advanced Editing Techniques

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30 videos | 55 minutes | by Mike Watkinson

Becoming a Pro Tools editing Ninja requires mastering the tools of the trade. In this PT 110 Certification study guide, join Certified Avid trainer Mike Watkinson as he explores the art of editing and managing clips in Avid’s Pro Tools 10...

Audio sessions can be high pressure events! If you want to be a first class Pro Tools editor and engineer you’ve got to know right tools for the right situation and how to efficiently use them. Luckily, MPV trainer extraordinaire Mike Watkinson is here to help! This 30-video strong tutorial will turn you into a Pro Tools clip Ninja teaching you to chop, split, cut, and modify clips like a real Pro Tools Warrio…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Copy-editing, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, and Audio.

30 videos | 55 minutes | by Mike Watkinson

Becoming a Pro Tools editing Ninja requires mastering the tools of the trade. In this PT 110 Certification study guide, join Certified Avid trainer Mike Watkinson as he explores the art of editing and managing clips in Avid’s Pro Tools 10...

Audio sessions can be high pressure events! If you want to be a first class Pro Tools editor and engineer you’ve got to know right tools for the right situation and how to efficiently use them. Luckily, MPV trainer extraordinaire Mike Watkinson is here to help! This 30-video strong tutorial will turn you into a Pro Tools clip Ninja teaching you to chop, split, cut, and modify clips like a real Pro Tools Warrior!

Mike starts off this tutorial with a series of video showing you "pro" techniques on how to organize, clean up, compact and archive their clips. In the next section Mike created a whole set of in-depth lessons dedicated to looping and arranging, trimming and separating clips while using PT 10's Grid Modes. This is where you’ll learn all the tools and shortcuts you can utilize in the midst of a complicated session. Without skipping a beat, Mike dives into production techniques where he explains how to group clips for playback, recording, editing and looping. Finally, there’s a bunch of videos where you’ll learn PT 10’s MIDI real-time properties and find out how easy it is to quantize, create and edit fade curves and design linear tempo changes. With Master Mike Watkinson as your guide, you'll quickly become a clip editing expert. So join him and expand your knowledge of Pro Tools 10!

Check out all of’s AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.