Pro Tools 101

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Pro Tools 101

Berklee College of Music
Logo Berklee College of Music

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Pro Tools 101 constitutes the first stage of Digidesign’s Pro Tools certification program. Learn the foundational skills needed to understand Pro Tools technology and software. This course instructs you on recording, editing, and mixing on a basic level, and will get on the road to becoming a Pro Tools operator from home.

Get on track to become a Pro Tools Operator from home with the help of Berklee's music production faculty. Berkleemusic is the exclusive online provider of the Pro Tools 101 curriculum by Avid, and this course constitutes the first stage of their Pro Tools certification program. Learn the basic principles you'll need to complete a Pro Tools project using Pro Tools 10, from …

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Music Production, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, and Copy-editing.

Pro Tools 101 constitutes the first stage of Digidesign’s Pro Tools certification program. Learn the foundational skills needed to understand Pro Tools technology and software. This course instructs you on recording, editing, and mixing on a basic level, and will get on the road to becoming a Pro Tools operator from home.

Get on track to become a Pro Tools Operator from home with the help of Berklee's music production faculty. Berkleemusic is the exclusive online provider of the Pro Tools 101 curriculum by Avid, and this course constitutes the first stage of their Pro Tools certification program. Learn the basic principles you'll need to complete a Pro Tools project using Pro Tools 10, from initial setup to mixdown. Whether your project involves multi-track recordings of live instruments, MIDI sequencing of software synthesizers, or audio looping, Pro Tools 101 will provide you with real-world examples and frequent hands-on assignments designed to teach you how to record, edit, and mix on a basic level.

Author: Digidesign and Andy Edelstein

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