Class 11 Physics (India): Ultrasound medical imaging

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Class 11 Physics (India): Ultrasound medical imaging

Khan Academy
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Ultrasound medical imaging (also known as sonography) is a diagnostic imaging tool that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of structures in the body. Ultrasound images are captured in ​real time​ using an external probe and ultrasound gel placed directly on the skin. They can show things that a still image like an X-ray cannot, such as blood flow or organ movement. Ultrasound images are highly useful in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. 

Class 11 Physics (India)

Let's learn, practice, and master topics of class 11 physics (NCERT) starting with kinematics and then moving to dynamics with Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, and power. Let's then use these as the fo…

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Ultrasound medical imaging (also known as sonography) is a diagnostic imaging tool that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of structures in the body. Ultrasound images are captured in ​real time​ using an external probe and ultrasound gel placed directly on the skin. They can show things that a still image like an X-ray cannot, such as blood flow or organ movement. Ultrasound images are highly useful in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. 

Class 11 Physics (India)

Let's learn, practice, and master topics of class 11 physics (NCERT) starting with kinematics and then moving to dynamics with Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, and power. Let's then use these as the foundation to learn about centre of mass, rotational motion, gravitation, solids, fluids, thermodynamics, and oscillations and waves.


In these videos and articles you'll see visualizations of the propagation of sound waves, along with a visual definition of a sound wave's amplitude, period, frequency, and wavelength. You'll also learn how the speed of sound depends on the different characteristics of the medium. It will be shown how Mach numbers characterize faster than sound travel and their relationship to sonic booms. Also, you'll learn about the decibel scale, why sounds get softer, and how ultrasound medical imaging works.

Topic: Science

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