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366 Biology Training Courses

See also: Health Management, Anatomy, Palliative Care, Science, and Education.

See also: Health Management, Anatomy, and Palliative Care.


Introduction to Biology

Logo Carnegie Mellon University

This introductory course defines biology and its relationship to other sciences. We examine the overarching theories of life from biologica…


Marine Biology

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $770 (E…


Introductory Biology With Lab, Part A

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $830 (E…


Principles and Techniques of Molecular Cell Biology

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $795 (E…


The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food

Logo Open Yale Courses

This course encompasses the study of eating as it affects the health and well-being of every human. Topics include taste preferences, food …


BIOEE 1780: Evolutionary Biology and Diversity

Logo Cornell University School of Continuing Education

Considers explanations for pattern of diversity and the apparent good fit of organisms to the environment. Topics include the diversity of …


The Biology of Cancer

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $770 (E…


CSET Science Subtest II: Ecology, Biology, Chemistry,

Logo P2PU

Many countries and all states in the United States qualify their teachers by requiring that they pass a subject-matter exam. The University…


CSET Science Subtest II: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Logo UC Irvine OpenCourseWare

The University of California, Irvine Extension, supported by generous grants from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and The Boeing C…


Introductory Biology With Lab, Part B

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $830 (E…


Modern Biology

Logo Carnegie Mellon University

This course covers specialized and somewhat advanced topics in the fields of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetic…


Introduction to the Biology of Cancer

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: Over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million people worldwide are dying every year from cancer. As people…


Systems Biology and Biotechnology Capstone

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: NOTE: In order to take this course you should have taken and complete the following courses in the Signature Track: Intr…


Network Analysis in Systems Biology

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: An introduction to data integration and statistical methods used in contemporary Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Sys…


Integrated Analysis in Systems Biology

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: This course will focus on developing integrative skills through directed reading and analysis of the current primary lit…