Teach English Now! Technology Enriched Teaching

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Teach English Now! Technology Enriched Teaching

Coursera (CC)
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  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This course focuses on the key concepts you need in order to effectively integrate technology into your teaching, without letting it overshadow language learning. Discover current and future trends in educational technology, along with strategies for implementing these trends in the classroom and beyond. As technology is continually evolving, learn how to keep up on current technological applications through professional development networks and training opportunities.

Created by:  Arizona State University
  • Taught by:  Jessica Cinco, International Educator

    Global Launch
  • Taught by:  Dr. Shane Dixon, Senior International Educator

    Arizona State Un…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Teaching Skills, Teacher Training, English (FCE / CAE / CPE), Public speaking & presentation, and C/C++.

When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This course focuses on the key concepts you need in order to effectively integrate technology into your teaching, without letting it overshadow language learning. Discover current and future trends in educational technology, along with strategies for implementing these trends in the classroom and beyond. As technology is continually evolving, learn how to keep up on current technological applications through professional development networks and training opportunities.

Created by:  Arizona State University
  • Taught by:  Jessica Cinco, International Educator

    Global Launch
  • Taught by:  Dr. Shane Dixon, Senior International Educator

    Arizona State University Global Launch
  • Taught by:  Dr. Justin Shewell, Senior International Educator

    Arizona State University
Basic Info Course 3 of 4 in the TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now! Specialization Level Beginner Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.8 stars Average User Rating 4.8See what learners said Coursework

Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.

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Arizona State University Arizona State University has developed a new model for the American Research University, creating an institution that is committed to excellence, access and impact. ASU measures itself by those it includes, not by those it excludes. ASU pursues research that contributes to the public good, and ASU assumes major responsibility for the economic, social and cultural vitality of the communities that surround it.



Module 1: Overcoming Your Fears of Using Technology

In this module, learners are introduced to a young teacher who is hesitant to incorporate technology into the classroom. On his journey, we will be introduced to reasons teachers avoid technology as well as suggestions for how to overcome some common technology difficulties. In particular, learners will be introduced to the concepts of alignment, learner control, and the importance of being outcomes driven.

6 videos, 4 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Video: Welcome Video
  2. Reading: Welcome Guide to the Teach English Now! MOOC
  3. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online - Glossary of Important Terms
  4. Video: Video 1: Technology Happens: A Day in the Life of a Teacher
  5. Video: Video 2: Why Teachers Avoid Technology
  6. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  7. Video: Video 3: Through the Red Door: Welcome to the Digital Space
  8. Video: Video 4: Three Tips for Using Technology: Alignment Matters
  9. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  10. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online (Tips #3 and #4)
  11. Video: Video 5: Summary
  12. Reading: Technology Evaluation Form

Graded: Writing Prompt
Graded: Graded Checkpoint (10 Q's)


Module 2: Enhancing Lesson Planning Using Technology

In this module, our young teacher learns about creating a learning management system (LMS) to assist him in the classroom. We are also introduced to nine different categories of technology as well as 6 events of instruction. Events of instruction are introduced to help teachers recognize the need to examine different technologies according to how they can be useful during the lesson planning process.

6 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Video: Video 1: Making Technology Work for You: The Teaching Assistant
  2. Video: Video 2: Technology Tool: Learning Management Systems
  3. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint (5 Q's)
  4. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online (Tips #31 and #34)
  5. Video: Video 3: Choosing the Right Technology Tools
  6. Video: Video 4: Nine Categories of Technology
  7. Video: Video 5: Technology Tools Organized by Events of Instruction
  8. Reading: Extra resource: Chart of Technology Tools and Events of Instruction
  9. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint (5 Q's)
  10. Video: Video 6: Summary
  11. Reading: English Central: Why it Works

Graded: Writing Prompt
Graded: Graded Checkpoint (10 Q's)


Module 3: Engaging Students Using Technology
In this module, we are introduced to the concept of digital nativity, and students that are both digital natives and non-natives. Throughout the module, our young teacher is given strategies to engage both types of learners.

5 videos, 2 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Video: Video 1: The Best Laid Plans Often Go Awry
  2. Video: Video 2: Digital Natives and Non-Natives
  3. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  4. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online (Tips #27 and #28)
  5. Video: Video 3: Back to School with Trilinguist
  6. Video: Video 4: Ways to Engage Digital Natives and Non-Natives
  7. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  8. Reading: Example Technology Survey
  9. Video: Video 5: Summary

Graded: Writing Prompt
Graded: Graded Checkpoint (10 Q's)


Module 4: Transforming the Classroom Using Technology

In this module, learners are introduced to the interaction between teaching, content, and technology, using the acronym TPACK. Through this acronym, teachers are invited to recognize the ways in which different types of knowledge work together. We are also introduced to an additional acronym: SAMR. This acronym invites teachers to consider how essential the tool is to achieving learning outcomes, and whether it simply replaces an older type of technology, or if it transforms the learning process itself.

5 videos, 2 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Video: Video 1: The Pedagogue (Part 1)
  2. Video: Video 2: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
  3. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  4. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online (Tips #16 and #17)
  5. Video: Video 3: The Pedagogue (Part 2)
  6. Video: Video 4: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition (SAMR)
  7. Reading: Teach English Now!...and SAMR
  8. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  9. Video: Video 5: Summary

Graded: Writing Prompt
Graded: Graded Checkpoint (10 Q's)


Module 5: Focusing on Your Training

In this module, our young teacher encounters a final test in the form of marketers that attempt to push technology tools on him and his classroom. We give some final advice about how to deal with the massive numbers of tools that are currently available, and what to do to ensure that the tools that are chosen will truly benefit students.

5 videos, 2 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Video: Video 1: When the Vendors Come Marching in, Remember Your Training
  2. Video: Video 2: Four Tips on Evaluating Technology Tools
  3. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  4. Reading: Bonus: 50 Ways to Teach Online (Tips #44 and #45)
  5. Video: Video 3: Becoming a Technology Master
  6. Video: Video 4: Straight Talk about Instructional Design
  7. Practice Quiz: Checkpoint Quiz (5 Q's)
  8. Reading: "Substitute or redefine?" (Article by Nicky Hockly)
  9. Video: Video 5: Summary

Graded: Writing Prompt: Lesson Plan
Graded: Module 5 Review Quiz (10 Q's)


Module 6: Final Review
Each of the concepts covered in Modules 1 - 5 is summarized in the course summary video. Learners watch the video to verify their understanding of the course material. Then, they will proceed to the final checkpoint quiz and peer review assignment.

1 video expand

  1. Video: Video 1: Course Summary

Graded: Final Checkpoint (25 Questions)
Graded: Micro-Lesson
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