Introduction to Data Analytics for Business

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Introduction to Data Analytics for Business

Coursera (CC)
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About this course: This course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business world. We will explore such key areas as the analytical process, how data is created, stored, accessed, and how the organization works with data and creates the environment in which analytics can flourish. What you learn in this course will give you a strong foundation in all the areas that support analytics and will help you to better position yourself for success within your organization. You’ll develop skills and a perspective that will make you more productive faster and allow you to become a valuable asset to your organization. This course also provides a basis for going deeper i…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business world. We will explore such key areas as the analytical process, how data is created, stored, accessed, and how the organization works with data and creates the environment in which analytics can flourish. What you learn in this course will give you a strong foundation in all the areas that support analytics and will help you to better position yourself for success within your organization. You’ll develop skills and a perspective that will make you more productive faster and allow you to become a valuable asset to your organization. This course also provides a basis for going deeper into advanced investigative and computational methods, which you have an opportunity to explore in future courses of the Data Analytics for Business specialization.

Who is this class for: This course is designed to have broad appeal across many types of learners. Anyone who is looking to gain an understanding of how business analytics is actually performed in real organizations will benefit. This course is primarily aimed at professionals who have a bachelor’s degree and/or some exposure to the business world. Those with technical degrees or more advanced business degrees like an MBA will find certain areas easier to absorb, and may get maximum value from the course. However, even undergraduates in non-technical fields or advanced high-school students pursuing internships will be able to follow most concepts and get value from the course. Finally, even professionals who have had deep experiences in methods will likely find value in this course.

Created by:  University of Colorado Boulder
  • Taught by:  David Torgerson, Instructor

Basic Info Course 1 of 5 in the Advanced Business Analytics Specialization Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.6 stars Average User Rating 4.6See what learners said Coursework

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University of Colorado Boulder CU-Boulder is a dynamic community of scholars and learners on one of the most spectacular college campuses in the country. As one of 34 U.S. public institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU), we have a proud tradition of academic excellence, with five Nobel laureates and more than 50 members of prestigious academic academies.



Data and Analysis in the Real World

Welcome to week 1! In this module we’ll learn how to think about analytical problems and examine the process by which data enables analysis & decision making. We’ll introduce a framework called the Information-Action Value chain which describes the path from events in the world to business action, and we’ll look at some of the source systems that are used to capture data. At the end of this course you will be able to: Explain the information lifecycle from events in the real world to business actions, and how to think about analytical problems in that context , Recognize the types of events and characteristics that are often used in business analytics, and explain how the data is captured by source systems and stored using both traditional and emergent technologies, Gain a high-level familiarity with relational databases and learn how to use a simple but powerful language called SQL to extract analytical data sets of interest, Appreciate the spectrum of roles involved in the data lifecycle, and gain exposure to the various ways that organizations structure analytical functions, Summarize some of the key ideas around data quality, data governance, and data privacy

9 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: Introduction to the Course
  2. Video: Introduction to the Specialization
  3. Video: 0. Introduction to Data & Analysis in Real World
  4. Reading: Week 1 Lecture Slides
  5. Video: 1. Thinking about Analytical Problems
  6. Video: 2. Conceptual Business Models
  7. Video: 3. The information-Action Value Chain (Part 1)
  8. Video: 4. The information-Action Value Chain (Part 2)
  9. Video: 5. Real World Events and Characteristics
  10. Video: 6. Data Capture by Source Systems
  11. Reading: Week 1 Quiz Answer Key
  12. Reading: You can now start part 1 of the final assignment!
  13. Discussion Prompt: What is more important for a data analyst to understand, the business or analytical methods?
  14. Discussion Prompt: What are some of the challenges you might find in communicating the results of your analysis?

Graded: Week 1 Quiz


Analytical Tools

In this module we’ll learn about the technologies that enable analytical work. We’ll examine data storage and databases, including the relational database. We’ll talk about Big Data and Cloud technologies and ideas like federation, virtualization, and in-memory computing. We’ll also walk through a landscape of some of the more common tool classes and learn how these tools support common analytical tasks.

7 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: 0. Introduction - Analytical Technologies
  2. Reading: Week 2 Lecture Slides
  3. Video: 1. Data Storage and Databases
  4. Video: 2. Big Data & the Cloud
  5. Video: 3. Virtualization, Federation, and In-Memory Computing
  6. Video: 4. The Relational Database
  7. Video: 5. Data Tools Landscape
  8. Video: 6. The Tools of the Data Analyst
  9. Reading: Week 2 Quiz Answer Key
  10. Reading: You can now start part 2 of the final assignment!
  11. Discussion Prompt: Information tools used at different organizations
  12. Discussion Prompt: Different approaches to building a relational database

Graded: Week 2 Quiz


Data Extraction Using SQL

In this module we’ll learn how to extract data from a relational database using Structured Query Language, or SQL. We’ll cover all the basic SQL commands and learn how to combine and stack data from different tables. We’ll also learn how to expand the power of our queries using operators and handle additional complexity using subqueries.

7 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: 0. Introduction - Data Extraction Using SQL
  2. Reading: Week 3 Lecture Slides
  3. Video: 1. Introduction to SQL
  4. Video: 2. Aggregating and Sorting Data in SQL
  5. Video: 3. Extracting Data from Multiple Tables
  6. Video: 4. Stacking Data with UNION Command
  7. Video: 5. Extending SQL Queries Using Operators
  8. Video: 6. Using SQL Subqueries
  9. Reading: Week 3 SQL Assignment Answer Key
  10. Reading: You can now start part 3 of the final assignment!
  11. Discussion Prompt: Advantages and shortcomings of accessing data using SQL

Graded: SQL Coding Assignment


Real World Analytical Organizations

In this module we focus on the people and organizations that work with data and actually execute analytics. We’ll discuss who does what and see how organizational structures can influence efficiency and effectiveness. We’ll also look at the supporting rules & processes that help an analytical organization run smoothly, like Data Governance, Data Privacy, and Data Quality.

6 videos, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 0. Introduction to Real World Analytical Orgs
  2. Reading: Week 4 Lecture Slides
  3. Video: 1. Analytical Organizations – Roles
  4. Video: 2. Analytical Organizations – Structures
  5. Video: 3. Data Governance
  6. Video: 4. Data Privacy
  7. Video: 5. Data Quality
  8. Reading: Week 4 Quiz Answer Key
  9. Discussion Prompt: Issues with roles and organizational structures around analytics
  10. Discussion Prompt: Data privacy issues

Graded: Week 4 Quiz
Graded: Final Course Assignment
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