Excellence in Engineering and Management


Excellence in Engineering and Management

Barney School of Business
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The E2M program is the first double-degree program in Connecticut in engineering and management, enabling full- and part-time engineering graduate students to earn both a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) and
a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) by taking a total of 63 credits. This is 18 fewer credits than if the degrees were pursued separately. With four different engineering specialties from which to choose, the
E2M program is as flexible as it is efficient. E2M is a unique, three-way
partnership between the Barney School of Business and the College Engineering, Technology andArchitecture, and extending to a third-party business and industry in Greater Hartford.

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The E2M program is the first double-degree program in Connecticut in engineering and management, enabling full- and part-time engineering graduate students to earn both a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) and
a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) by taking a total of 63 credits. This is 18 fewer credits than if the degrees were pursued separately. With four different engineering specialties from which to choose, the
E2M program is as flexible as it is efficient. E2M is a unique, three-way
partnership between the Barney School of Business and the College Engineering, Technology andArchitecture, and extending to a third-party business and industry in Greater Hartford.

This program allows full- and part-time engineering students in the graduate program to earn MEng and MBA degrees by taking a total of 63 credits. The prerequisite is a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and students will have to satisfy all requirements necessary to pursue an M.Eng. degree. Students with a bachelor’s degree in physical sciences, mathematics, and other fields may also apply but will have to take additional
courses at the undergraduate level to remove deficiencies in the engineering major they plan to pursue. Students must also have successfully completed Basic Principles of Economics (EC 600) or equivalent course work.GMAT or GRE test scores are required of all applicants. International students must earn a score of 550/213/79-80 or higher on the ToEFl with a minimum of 18 in each subsection – reading, writing, listening and speaking. IElTS is accepted with a minimum score of 6.5. Additionally those students seeking a graduate assistantship in engineering must take the GRE and achieve a minimum of verbal 400, Quantitative 700, and Analytical.The E2M Program can be a full- or part-time program.

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