Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live

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Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on where you live

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Ted Talk: Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it's not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps to keep doctors in the loop. Call it "geo-medicine."


["Bill", "Davenhall", "TEDTalks", "TED", "talks", "TEDMED", "medicine", "health", "care", "geography", "GPS", "GIS", "ESRI", "geo-medicine", "medical", "records", "government", "data"]


Duration minutes: 9

Duration seconds: 26

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Ted Talk: Where you live: It impacts your health as much as diet and genes do, but it's not part of your medical records. At TEDMED, Bill Davenhall shows how overlooked government geo-data (from local heart-attack rates to toxic dumpsite info) can mesh with mobile GPS apps to keep doctors in the loop. Call it "geo-medicine."


["Bill", "Davenhall", "TEDTalks", "TED", "talks", "TEDMED", "medicine", "health", "care", "geography", "GPS", "GIS", "ESRI", "geo-medicine", "medical", "records", "government", "data"]


Duration minutes: 9

Duration seconds: 26

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    There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.