Purchasing / eProcurement Accelerated Rel 9
Starting dates and places
This course will cover several of the basic features and functions of PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing. It also covers several advanced features such as, creating and using purchasing contracts and using commitment control in PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing. Plus, the key integration points with other PeopleSoft applications are discussed.
With the knowledge you gain from taking the course and exercising the extensive amount of activities in the course, you'll leave the class having a good overall understanding of the Purchasing application and the other PeopleSoft Enterprise applications that integrate with Purchasing.
Then once you are back in your environment you'll be able to use this k…
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This course will cover several of the basic features and functions of PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing. It also covers several advanced features such as, creating and using purchasing contracts and using commitment control in PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing. Plus, the key integration points with other PeopleSoft applications are discussed.
With the knowledge you gain from taking the course and exercising the extensive amount of activities in the course, you'll leave the class having a good overall understanding of the Purchasing application and the other PeopleSoft Enterprise applications that integrate with Purchasing.
Then once you are back in your environment you'll be able to use this knowledge to begin an implementation of PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing.
Additionally, you learn about the basic setup required for implementing PeopleSoft eProcurement. This set up includes the business unit, vendors, and purchasing items. You gain knowledge of how the requisition to purchase order process flow is completed. This perspective helps you with implementation decisions on how to set up your system, and also helps you in creating your business process practices.
This course also covers direct connect setup, and how the system handles the changes created for requisitions. You learn how approval workflow is utilized with the PeopleSoft eProcurement application. The topics that cover process flows are designed to give you the overall vision of what the product can do for you to aid with your decision-making during implementation.
Learn to:- Setup eProcurement
- Setup Purchasing
- Requisition creation
- Set up buyers, suppliers, and items
- Use approval workflow
- Create basic and advanced requisitions
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- Business Analysts
- Functional Implementer
- System Analysts
- End Users
Course Topics Business Process Overview
- Understanding the PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Process Flow and Functionality
- Understanding the Integration Points between PeopleSoft Purchasing and other PeopleSoft Applications
- Understanding the Default Hierarchy
- Finding Information About PeopleSoft Purchasing in Peoplebooks
- Defining Installation Parameters
- Creating PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Units
- Creating PeopleSoft Purchasing Processing Options
- Creating Locations
- Adding Ship To Locations
- Setting Up User Preferences
- Setting Up Requesters
- Setting Up Buyers
- Configuring the Vendor Set Control Page
- Searching for a Vendor
- Adding a New Vendor
- Creating Item Categories
- Creating Purchasing Items
- Copying and Loading Items
- Approving Items
- Creating Units of Measure
- Setting Up a Purchasing Kit
- Explaining the Requisition Business Process Flow
- Describing Requisitions
- Creating Requisitions Online
- Managing the Requisition Reconciliation Workbench
- Describing the Process to Load Requisitions from other PeopleSoft Applications
- Describing Sourcing
- Sourcing Requisitions Online
- Sourcing Requisitions by Using the Auto-select Requisitions Process
- Building Inventory Demand
- Using the Sourcing Workbench Component
- Explaining the Purchase Order Business Process and Structure
- Creating and Updating Purchase Orders
- Creating a Purchase Order by Copying from Another Document
- Using the Purchase Order Reconciliation Workbench
- Evaluating Options to Dispatch Purchase Orders
- Establishing System Options
- Creating Business Units
- Define Processing Options for Purchasing and eProcurement
- Setting Up Codes
- Defining the Accounting Structure
- Setting Up Vendor Controls
- Creating Vendor Profiles
- Populating Item Master Tables
- Create Item Categories
- Creating Units of Measure
- Explaining How Item Catalogs are Used in eProcurement
- Creating Catalog Trees
- Establishing Catalog Security
- Setting Up Users for eProcurement
- Setting Up Requesters and buyers for eProcurement
- Establishing User Preferences for eProcurement
- Managing Approvals
- Editing Requisitions
- Delegating Responsibility
- Monitoring Approvals
Course Objectives
- Describe the business process flow and basic functionality of the Enterprise PeopleSoft Purchasing system
- Set up the basic structure for using PeopleSoft Purchasing
- Set up basic purchasing transactions and run processes
- Set up commonly used advanced features
- Create requisitions and purchase orders
- Setup and create change orders
- Receive items
- Setup eProcurement business units and vendors
- Create items, categories, and catalogs
- Define users and role actions
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