Spanish Basics

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Spanish Basics

NCOI Online Academy
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Onlineacademy is een initiatief van de opleiders van NCOI Groep

Deze online training is onderdeel van een jaarabonnement met meer dan 220 leerproducten.

Online Academy is een initiatief van de opleiders van NCOI Groep. Bij Online Academy volg je onbeperkt online trainingen. Al deze trainingen zijn onderverdeeld in korte blokken van 5 a 10 minuten. Uit onderzoek blijkt namelijk dat je zo meer onthoudt dan wanneer je alles in één keer leert.

Verwacht bij Online Academy geen lange saaie teksten, maar korte uitleg, boeiende filmpjes en persoonlijke opdrachten. En die kun je doen waar en wanneer het jou uitkomt. Op pc, tablet of smartphone. Onderweg, achter je bureau of thuis op de bank.

Learn the basics of Spanish in a short time with this online course suitable for beginners.

Spanish is the most spoken language in the world after Chinese. But many of us do not learn it at school. Yet it is very useful to understand its basics when you go on holiday or when you work internationally. Fortunately, basic knowledge of Spanish can be learned quickly and effectively. You do not have to take a long course to make yourself understood. This online course is an entry level course. Start immediately with this online course. Due to our practical approach you will learn new words every day.

About your purchase:
This purchase gives you access to more than just this single Online Course. …

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Frequently asked questions

There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.

Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Spanish, German Language, Chinese, French, and Portuguese.

Onlineacademy is een initiatief van de opleiders van NCOI Groep

Deze online training is onderdeel van een jaarabonnement met meer dan 220 leerproducten.

Online Academy is een initiatief van de opleiders van NCOI Groep. Bij Online Academy volg je onbeperkt online trainingen. Al deze trainingen zijn onderverdeeld in korte blokken van 5 a 10 minuten. Uit onderzoek blijkt namelijk dat je zo meer onthoudt dan wanneer je alles in één keer leert.

Verwacht bij Online Academy geen lange saaie teksten, maar korte uitleg, boeiende filmpjes en persoonlijke opdrachten. En die kun je doen waar en wanneer het jou uitkomt. Op pc, tablet of smartphone. Onderweg, achter je bureau of thuis op de bank.

Learn the basics of Spanish in a short time with this online course suitable for beginners.

Spanish is the most spoken language in the world after Chinese. But many of us do not learn it at school. Yet it is very useful to understand its basics when you go on holiday or when you work internationally. Fortunately, basic knowledge of Spanish can be learned quickly and effectively. You do not have to take a long course to make yourself understood. This online course is an entry level course. Start immediately with this online course. Due to our practical approach you will learn new words every day.

About your purchase:
This purchase gives you access to more than just this single Online Course. It gives you a full year of access to the complete Online Academy catalog. The catalog contains 250+ courses offered to you by more than 15 renowned educators like Boertien Vergouwen Overduin, NCOI Opleidingen, SRM and Computrain. It offers a variety of courses from IT to health and vitality.

How it works:
After your purchase you will receive a confirmation within 2 days. This confirmation contains important information on how to activate your account and get access to your course. The course can be started right away and you will be able to search through our catalog for other relevant courses as well. Upon receiving the confirmation email, you will have one year to activate your subscription before it expires.

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This introductory course is suitable for beginners of the Spanish language. You will learn to start a simple conversation and to talk about daily matters. You do not need to speak Spanish yet to start with this course. Have you already got some experience with speaking Spanish, but would you just like to work on your basic level (for example on grammar)? Then this online course will also fit you perfectly!

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.