Pro Tools 501: Getting up to Speed With Pro Tools 10

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Pro Tools 501: Getting up to Speed With Pro Tools 10

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24 videos | 99 minutes | by Roy Vargas

This tutorial is meant to bring you up to speed with whats new in Pro Tools 10. If you already use earlier versions of Pro Tools this tutorial will shed light on the new features and enhancements and the major differences from older versions and detail how they work.

Avid has gone and done it again. The biggest update to the industry standard recording software to date is Pro Tools 10. This is no mere regular update with some improvements, this is a fully feature-packed step up. There are some major feature and work flow enhancements as well as some of the most user-requested enhancements.

Since Pro Tools 10 is not just simply a maintenance update, th…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, Copy-editing, and Audio.

24 videos | 99 minutes | by Roy Vargas

This tutorial is meant to bring you up to speed with whats new in Pro Tools 10. If you already use earlier versions of Pro Tools this tutorial will shed light on the new features and enhancements and the major differences from older versions and detail how they work.

Avid has gone and done it again. The biggest update to the industry standard recording software to date is Pro Tools 10. This is no mere regular update with some improvements, this is a fully feature-packed step up. There are some major feature and work flow enhancements as well as some of the most user-requested enhancements.

Since Pro Tools 10 is not just simply a maintenance update, this simply isn't a “Whats new in Pro Tools 10” course. This is an in-depth, under-the-hood look at the new features and system enhancements like 32-bit floating point audio support, enhanced disk performance, the new Pro Tools session file format, support for mixed audio file formats and the list goes on and on. There are enhanced import and export options and you can now add your songs to iTunes and SoundCloud directly from within Pro Tools.

We go into extensive detail showing you the new AAX plug in format and the new plug-ins available in Pro Tools 10 as well as the new edit enhancements like Real time cross fades the new clip gain, Audio Suite reverse and more. If you're new to Pro Tools this will make you want to dive right in and get started and feel confident on getting to grips with Pro Tools.

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