Pro Tools 10 105: Exploring MIDI

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Pro Tools 10 105: Exploring MIDI

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45 videos | 98 minutes | by Mike Watkinson

MIDI is the virtual heartbeat of every DAW. Explore MIDI in Pro Tools 10 in these AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos with Pro Tools Certified Trainer Mike Watkinson...

If you’re looking to get MIDI knowledge, is the right place. In this collection of 45 AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos by MIDI-Maestro Mike Watkinson, you’ll learn everything there is to know about MIDI in Pro Tools 10. Mike is Pro Tools certified. Not only does he know MIDI inside and out, he is a natural at teaching it!

After a Quick Start Introduction you dive right into MIDI set-up. You’ll learn how to enable tacks and set all the defaults for tempo, mete…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, Copy-editing, and Audio.

45 videos | 98 minutes | by Mike Watkinson

MIDI is the virtual heartbeat of every DAW. Explore MIDI in Pro Tools 10 in these AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos with Pro Tools Certified Trainer Mike Watkinson...

If you’re looking to get MIDI knowledge, is the right place. In this collection of 45 AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos by MIDI-Maestro Mike Watkinson, you’ll learn everything there is to know about MIDI in Pro Tools 10. Mike is Pro Tools certified. Not only does he know MIDI inside and out, he is a natural at teaching it!

After a Quick Start Introduction you dive right into MIDI set-up. You’ll learn how to enable tacks and set all the defaults for tempo, meter and key. Next is a section on MIDI recording: after Mike shows you how to set a count-off, and then dives into MIDI Merging, Loop Recording and more. This is followed by a series of videos about Pro Tools’ instruments: how to set them up and get them making some killer sounds!

Like audio, editing MIDI is an art. But it’s a bit different because you’re editing data instead of audio. This allows you to approach editing in a basic, note-driven musical way. Mike gives a great explanation of Pro Tools 10’s Smart Tool and the many different editing windows where MIDI can be viewed and edited, depending on the type of project and situation. This series of tutorial-videos concludes with a section on quantizing and how it can be customized depending upon the editing window and the desired results.

Whether you're looking to get AVID Certification or just want to know more about MIDI, take in your MIDI education right here at—an AVID Learning Partner—and learn all about making MIDI in Pro Tools 10.

Check out all of’s AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

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