Pro Tools 10 104: Editing Audio

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Pro Tools 10 104: Editing Audio

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34 videos | 117 minutes | by Scott Freiman

You’ve recorded the tracks. Now let’s get into editing! Get the basics of audio editing in Pro Tools 10 in these AVID Learn Partner tutorial-videos by MPV’s Scott Freiman...

Editing audio requires that rare combination of artistry and skill. The art is knowing how to listen and use your imagination. The skill comes from understanding waveforms and mastering your editing tools. In this collection of AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos you’ll learn all the basic methods and tools to begin cutting audio in Pro Tools 10.

It starts right off with a deep section on Fades. You’ll learn about the different kinds of fades as well as when and how to empl…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Copy-editing, Audio, Digital Publishing & Editing, and Apple Final Cut Pro / Express.

34 videos | 117 minutes | by Scott Freiman

You’ve recorded the tracks. Now let’s get into editing! Get the basics of audio editing in Pro Tools 10 in these AVID Learn Partner tutorial-videos by MPV’s Scott Freiman...

Editing audio requires that rare combination of artistry and skill. The art is knowing how to listen and use your imagination. The skill comes from understanding waveforms and mastering your editing tools. In this collection of AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos you’ll learn all the basic methods and tools to begin cutting audio in Pro Tools 10.

It starts right off with a deep section on Fades. You’ll learn about the different kinds of fades as well as when and how to employ them.

Then come Clips. You’ll get familiar with Separating and Consolidating and learn how to use the Clip List and see how Clip Groups can help you organize the editing process. There’s even a bonus section on Nudging and Time Stretching. But even cooler is Clip Gain! Now in Pro Tools 10, every Clip has its own built-in gain automation and Scott teaches you how use Clip Gain to add that extra artistry to you edit sessions!

Finally there’s a collection of videos on Pro Tools’ very cool Audio Suite processing.

Whether you're focussed on getting your AVID Certification or brushing up on your audio editing chops, study up right here at—an AVID Learning Partner—and master the basics of audio editing in Pro Tools 10.

Check out all of’s AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.