Pro Tools 10 102: Exploring The Workspace

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Pro Tools 10 102: Exploring The Workspace

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27 videos | 105 minutes | by Bill Burgess

Every DAW has its own unique way of making music and manipulating sound. In these AVID Learn Partner tutorial-videos by audio expert Bill Burgess, you’ll learn about Pro Tools 10’s tracks, tools, navigation tricks to get you started producing and recording music right out of the box...

In the 101 you leaned how Pro Tools works. It’s time to learn how to use it! So let’s begin by Exploring The Workspace. In this collection of AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos you’ll learn all about the Pro Tools user interface, the tools and everything else you need to start making music in Pro Tools 10. Bill then takes you on a tour of the main windows, Edit and…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, Copy-editing, and Audio.

27 videos | 105 minutes | by Bill Burgess

Every DAW has its own unique way of making music and manipulating sound. In these AVID Learn Partner tutorial-videos by audio expert Bill Burgess, you’ll learn about Pro Tools 10’s tracks, tools, navigation tricks to get you started producing and recording music right out of the box...

In the 101 you leaned how Pro Tools works. It’s time to learn how to use it! So let’s begin by Exploring The Workspace. In this collection of AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos you’ll learn all about the Pro Tools user interface, the tools and everything else you need to start making music in Pro Tools 10. Bill then takes you on a tour of the main windows, Edit and Mix, where you’ll master Clips, Record and Playback controls, Shortcuts, Signal Routing, Track Lists and Mix Groups. Then you’ll study the customizable Transport, learn about Timescales and Rulers and create some custom views.

Now it's time to set up a session. In this section the entertaining “Mr. Bill” begins by setting up Session Templates and Parameters. He shows you how to use the different track types and how to name them. In the last section you'll learn how to control the Playback Cursor, the Edit Cursorand all the different Scrolling Options.

Whether you're studying for AVID Certification or simply brushing up on your Pro Tools 10 skills, this Exploring The Workplace course is designed to get you started on the right track!

Check out all of’s AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

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