Pro Tools 10 100: What's New In Pro Tools 10

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Pro Tools 10 100: What's New In Pro Tools 10

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6 videos | 25 minutes | by Bill Burgess

Pro Tools 10 is here, and with it comes some highly anticipated new features. Join Bill Burgess in this FREE 5-video sampler and see what’s new in Pro Tools 10 ...

So just what IS new in PT10? Pro Tools 10 has 32-bit floating point architecture. What does this mean? Well, how about a virtually distortion proof, unlimited amount of internal dynamic range! Pro Tools 10 also has Clip-Based volume automation. Check out Bill’s video on this awesome feature to see how to devolve and chop up some sweet beats. Pro Tools 10 also comes with some new instruments and FX which Bill unleashes to construct some nasty, sounding loops.

So whether you're just checking…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Avid, Digital Publishing & Editing, Apple Final Cut Pro / Express, Copy-editing, and Audio.

6 videos | 25 minutes | by Bill Burgess

Pro Tools 10 is here, and with it comes some highly anticipated new features. Join Bill Burgess in this FREE 5-video sampler and see what’s new in Pro Tools 10 ...

So just what IS new in PT10? Pro Tools 10 has 32-bit floating point architecture. What does this mean? Well, how about a virtually distortion proof, unlimited amount of internal dynamic range! Pro Tools 10 also has Clip-Based volume automation. Check out Bill’s video on this awesome feature to see how to devolve and chop up some sweet beats. Pro Tools 10 also comes with some new instruments and FX which Bill unleashes to construct some nasty, sounding loops.

So whether you're just checking out What’s New or are looking to get your AVID Certification, you can start your Pro Tools 10 education right here at—an AVID Learning Partner Online—with our complete Pro Tools 10 100-Series of tutorial-videos and learn everything there is to know about Pro Tools 10.

Check out all of’s AVID Learning Partner Pro Tools 10 tutorials and our ever-expanding collection of advanced Pro Tools tutorials by Grammy Award-winning engineers, industry pros and AVID Certified Pro Tools instructors.

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