Logic 304: Logic TNT 3 Tips and Tricks: Reloaded
76 videos | 319 minutes | by Steve Horelick
Get 5 hours of new Logic Studio Tips and Tricks by world renowned Logic guru Steve H and friends...
is a TNT
TNT (tee-en-tee)
Pronunciation: \ˌtē-ˌen-ˈtē\ sometimes referred to as "Tips 'N
Function: noun
-an extremely explosive collection of Logic tips and tricks formed
when star Logic trainer Steve H mixes his highly volatile, creative
mind with Logic’s deep and often arcane functionality. This
unpredictably dangerous mixture often produces a mind blowing
expansion of one’s Logic knowledge base.
Warning: This colllection can be habit forming. Users have
complained that it is so addictive that they cannot no longer go to
YouTube. …
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76 videos | 319 minutes | by Steve Horelick
Get 5 hours of new Logic Studio Tips and Tricks by world renowned Logic guru Steve H and friends...
What is a TNT
TNT (tee-en-tee)
Pronunciation: \ˌtē-ˌen-ˈtē\ sometimes referred to as "Tips 'N
Function: noun
-an extremely explosive collection of Logic tips and tricks formed
when star Logic trainer Steve H mixes his highly volatile, creative
mind with Logic’s deep and often arcane functionality. This
unpredictably dangerous mixture often produces a mind blowing
expansion of one’s Logic knowledge base.
Warning: This colllection can be habit forming. Users have
complained that it is so addictive that they cannot no longer go to
YouTube. View at your own discretion.
Actually, this collection of videos was created every month for a
year and is now available as a complete tutorial! Topics covered
include all aspects of music production, sound design, workflow,
and synth programming. And, of course, there are Steve’s
surprising explorations into Logic’s environment where he show’s
you how to build all kinds of awesome MIDI madness!
This collection of TNT’ feature Logic project files to help you dig
even deeper to the awesome topics.
This is an incredible opportunity for you to have one of the
world's best Logic educators show you how to do complex, extremely
specialized production techniques in Logic Studio.
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