Excel 2007: Business Statistics

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Excel 2007: Business Statistics

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Shows managers and executives how to assess their organization's data effectively by applying statistical analysis techniques.Excel 2007: Business Statistics with Curtis Frye shows managers and executives how to assess their organization's data effectively by applying statistical analysis techniques. The course covers important statistical terms and definitions, and then dives into techniques using the tools in Excel: formulas and functions for calculating averages and standard deviations, charts and graphs for summarizing data, and the Analysis ToolPak add-in for even greater insights into data. Exercise files are included with the course. Topics include: Understanding statistical terms Cre…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Statistics, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Office.

Shows managers and executives how to assess their organization's data effectively by applying statistical analysis techniques.Excel 2007: Business Statistics with Curtis Frye shows managers and executives how to assess their organization's data effectively by applying statistical analysis techniques. The course covers important statistical terms and definitions, and then dives into techniques using the tools in Excel: formulas and functions for calculating averages and standard deviations, charts and graphs for summarizing data, and the Analysis ToolPak add-in for even greater insights into data. Exercise files are included with the course. Topics include: Understanding statistical terms Creating a basic Excel table Auditing formulas Creating frequency distributions for qualitative data Calculating a running total Creating a histogram Using PivotTables Calculating mean, median, mode, and other numerical data Using probability distributions Population sampling Testing hypotheses Developing liner and multiple regression models

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