Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 9

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Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 9

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About This Course

Everybody knows what a PDF document is, right? It's a file that you print. If that's all you've seen Acrobat do, you're in for a huge surprise! In this course, you'll discover how to bring together a wide range of content from dozens of programs that you can reuse and customize in Acrobat 9 Pro. Need to change some text? No problem. Create a new file? That's easy. Add a page from this file and an image from that file? Not a big deal. This software allows you to do all that and more!

Bringing together content is just the beginning. You'll work with many features, such as backgrounds and bookmarks, to help unify your documents and add navigation to guide your users. You'll …

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Adobe Acrobat / PDF, Adobe, IT Security, Web Accessibility, and Digital Publishing & Editing.

About This Course

Everybody knows what a PDF document is, right? It's a file that you print. If that's all you've seen Acrobat do, you're in for a huge surprise! In this course, you'll discover how to bring together a wide range of content from dozens of programs that you can reuse and customize in Acrobat 9 Pro. Need to change some text? No problem. Create a new file? That's easy. Add a page from this file and an image from that file? Not a big deal. This software allows you to do all that and more!

Bringing together content is just the beginning. You'll work with many features, such as backgrounds and bookmarks, to help unify your documents and add navigation to guide your users. You'll see how to protect your work using password security. For the grand finale, you'll discover how to wrap a set of PDF files (and other documents, too) into a PDF Portfolio, complete with a Flash interface and display features.

Have you ever sent a document to a few people for feedback and then had to wait for replies? You probably had to send reminders, and maybe you even missed a deadline. If so, you'll be amazed at how the collaboration tools in Acrobat help you conduct, control, and manage the document review process. You'll even find out how to work in real-time using a chat window in Acrobat 9 Pro or online using a free Web conferencing room.

This course will also give you a taste of how Acrobat 9 Pro uses artificial intelligence to automatically find and configure fields on a page to convert to a form. It may sound complicated, but you'll be surprised at how simple it is! Then you can use form tracking features to send your form to others to fill in and send back to you, collect the data automatically, and zero in on results using filters and sorts. You can even send the results to a spreadsheet if you like.

Throughout the lessons, you'll see why Adobe Acrobat has become the best-selling Adobe software of all time. You won't find instructions that show you how to complete meaningless exercises. Instead, each lesson works with an important Acrobat 9 Pro feature or process. Along with guidance for using the features, you'll learn how to use the program for your own work and communication needs, and you'll discover just how much you can do with PDF documents!

About The Instructor

This course includes a knowledgeable and caring instructor who will guide you through your lessons, facilitate discussions, and answer your questions. The instructor for this course will be Donna Baker.

Donna Baker is a freelance graphic designer and the author of many books about design software and Web design. You can read tips and tutorials from her books through Adobe Design Center (, and on Web sites such as She writes a monthly column for one of Adobe's Web sites, and is an Adobe Community Expert and an Adobe Certified Expert, as well as a member of the Experts' Panel at, an Adobe community site.


A new section of each course starts monthly. If enrolling in a series of two or more courses, please be sure to space the start date for each course at least two months apart.

Week 1

Wednesday - Lesson 01

Imagine taking a document, a spreadsheet, an image or two, and a few slides from a presentation and then putting them all together into one file—complete with page numbers, a custom footer, and even some animation. Does it sound too good to be true? It's not! Adobe Acrobat 9 allows you to do all this and more. By the end of this first lesson, you'll know how to make your way around Acrobat 9 Pro and set different program preferences. You'll even make your first PDF file from an image (a logo for the fictional business we'll follow through the course).

Friday - Lesson 02

Where do new PDF files come from? To answer that question, we'll start Lesson 2 with a discussion on planning your project's workflow. You'll try out several different methods to create a PDF document using common programs including Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You'll find out how to work with PDFMaker, a toolbar that Acrobat installs in some Microsoft programs that helps you choose settings and create PDF files automatically. You'll also work with the Adobe PDF Printer, which allows you to produce PDF files from programs that don't export them directly.

Week 2

Wednesday - Lesson 03

Today, instead of using PDF documents converted from many different types of files, you'll see how to start a new PDF file from scratch. We'll use the New Document Editor to set up pages and margins, and format the text. Along with typing text in the page, we'll try importing some text from another file. Then you'll work with the TouchUp tools to manipulate the content on the page and add some graphics. Before the end of the lesson, you'll dive in to the workings of a PDF file and learn about file information, called metadata.

Friday - Lesson 04

Mixing and matching—moving pages from one document to another—is a common way to edit PDF files. Acrobat 9 Pro offers a number of techniques for combining and changing page content. You'll start today with simple files, and then you'll see how to add and delete pages, as well as learn specialized ways to slip a new page into a document without disturbing any of the elements, such as links or bookmarks that you've added to the page. You'll combine documents (and even specific pages from documents) into one PDF document, and you'll find out how to resize or crop pages so that they all match. Finally, you'll discover how to add password protection that lets you specify whether users can print or use contents from your files.

Week 3

Wednesday - Lesson 05

It's one thing to bring together content from different types of files. It's quite another to make the content look like it belongs together! In this lesson, you'll learn about Acrobat features that help make your document look more uniform. You'll work with backgrounds and watermarks that can be either text or graphics. You'll see how to use headers and footers that you can customize using your own text, choices of fonts, colors, and so on. You'll also use the Snapshot tool to create a new PDF document from a page segment. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to easily make all your documents look put together, whether they started out as two files or 10!

Friday - Lesson 06

When you work with a table of contents in Acrobat and many other programs, you click a link on the page to take you to a certain part of the document. But then how do you get back to the table of contents to find another topic? Acrobat 9 Pro solves that problem by using bookmarks. Today you'll learn about building and displaying bookmarks in a separate panel that stays visible while the file is open. You'll discover different ways to create bookmarks and customize their appearance to match your document. Then we'll take a look at adding attachments to your PDF document. If you've ever had to send someone an e-mail and had trouble remembering if you sent all the necessary attachments, you'll like this feature. It allows you to add extra content like documents and images to one PDF document.

Week 4

Wednesday - Lesson 07

Everyone knows how to use links on a Web page: Just click them to get to the linked page. In this lesson, you'll learn about using links in a PDF file. You'll start working with Acrobat JavaScript—and you don't need to be a programmer to use it—to add multiple links and work with custom actions. Like Web links, links in Acrobat can open another PDF document, show another page, or send an e-mail. Next, you'll find out about linking to Web pages from a PDF file and downloading a Web page to create or add to a document right in Acrobat. And we won't just talk about text links—you'll also create a link from an image.

Friday - Lesson 08

Did you know that Acrobat 9 includes an Artificial Intelligence module? While it can't perform any science fiction magic, it can look at a document, decide where you'd like to have form fields, and then add and name the fields for you automatically. Today you'll see how it works with PDF forms. You'll learn about using the Form Wizard to produce a form for you, and then we'll look at some ways to add more form fields. You'll have a chance to calculate prices for different products in the form you create and even build a button that changes its appearance when you click it.

Week 5

Wednesday - Lesson 09

Collaborating on a document—sharing it with others and gathering their feedback—is one of the most popular uses of Acrobat. In this lesson, you discover how to use common commenting tools and customize the program to make it simpler for you to work. We'll go through each group of tools and check out the corresponding group of commenting preferences along the way. You'll first learn about Sticky Notes and customizing how you view comments. Next, you'll use the Highlights and Callouts and decide how and where you like to read the comment contents. We'll finish by trying out Stamp comments and making a custom stamp.

Friday - Lesson 10

Once you've learned to add and configure comments, you need something to do with them. So today you'll work with a document review. You'll see how to start a shared review, send e-mail invitations, and work online at You'll learn how to set up and manage a review, including different ways to work with comments.

Week 6

Wednesday - Lesson 11

In this lesson, we'll take your collaboration skills to the next level. First, you'll discover how to distribute the form you created in an earlier lesson. Along the way, you'll see how to use Tracker, an automated feature that monitors your form's distribution process. Acrobat 9 Pro also includes a Portfolio feature that you'll work with as you collect form results. The Portfolio includes some tools that let you filter and sort your data and export it to other programs. Then you'll find out how to chat in real time with others using Collaborate Live. Instead of just working on your desktop, you'll learn how to work online in your own ConnectNow Web conferencing space.

Friday - Lesson 12

Just when you think you couldn't possibly learn any more ways to combine and break down documents in Acrobat, we'll talk about Portfolios! We'll start by preparing the files for the final Portfolio project. You'll find out how to split a document into several parts using a couple of different methods. Once we've prepared the files, we'll start a Portfolio. Then you'll try out different appearance features, add some images, and work with color schemes. Finally, you'll learn how to manage the content of your Portfolio, such as adding folders and moving files. By the end of this lesson, you'll be ready to use Acrobat to combine, create, and collaborate on documents like never before!


Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Windows or Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended Windows or Vista. Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Mac (either as a standalone product, or as part of an Adobe CS4 collection) and Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11), Leopard (10.5.x), or Mac OS X Intel; Internet access, e-mail, the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser. Note: Acrobat 9 Pro software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins. Microsoft Office programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Creative Suite programs such as Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Illustrator CS4 are used in preparation of the course materials, although they aren't necessary to complete the course. Access to these programs is useful for personal project development.

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