Microsoft Certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operation Apps (ERP) | MB-920 | MB920

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Microsoft Certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operation Apps (ERP) | MB-920 | MB920

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Microsoft Certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operation Apps (ERP) | MB-920

This course will provide you with a broad introduction to the finance and operations capabilities of Dynamics 365. You will become familiar with the concept of enterprise resource management (ERP), as well as each of the finance and operations apps, including Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Commerce , Dynamics 365 Human Resources, and the ERP capabilities of Dynamics 365 Project Operations. This course will include lecture as well as hands-on-labs.

Voor wie

People in different roles and at various stages in their careers can benefit from this fundament…

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Microsoft Certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Finance and Operation Apps (ERP) | MB-920

This course will provide you with a broad introduction to the finance and operations capabilities of Dynamics 365. You will become familiar with the concept of enterprise resource management (ERP), as well as each of the finance and operations apps, including Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Commerce , Dynamics 365 Human Resources, and the ERP capabilities of Dynamics 365 Project Operations. This course will include lecture as well as hands-on-labs.

Voor wie

People in different roles and at various stages in their careers can benefit from this fundamentals course. This includes IT professionals, business stakeholders and others who want to be exposed to the finance and operations capabilities of Dynamics 365, students, recent graduates, and people changing careers who want to leverage Dynamics 365 to move to the next level.


– Describe the capabilities and functionality of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
– Describe the capabilities and functionality of Dynamics 365 Finance
– Describe the capabilities and functionality of Dynamics 365 Commerce
– Describe the capabilities and functionality of Dynamics 365 Human Resources
– Describe the capabilities and functionality of Dynamics 365 Project Operations (ERP)


– Module 1: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
– Module 2: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Finance
– Module 3: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Commerce
– Module 4: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Human Resources
– Module 5: Learn the Fundamentals of Dynamics 365 Project Operations (ERP)

Exclusief examen

MB-920 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (ERP)

DutchTrain is een officieel geaccrediteerd Test Center voor Pearson Vue Test, Prometric, Kryterion, Castle Worldwide, Certiport & PSI. U bent bij ons van harte welkom voor examens welke via deze Test Centers beschikbaar zijn. Examens kunnen elke dag, binnen kantooruren, worden afgenomen.


1 dag

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