Subsistence Marketplaces
When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: The foundation for this course lies with unique synergies between pioneering research, teaching, and social initiatives through the Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative. Unique to this approach is a bottom-up understanding of the intersection of poverty and the marketplace. The goals of this course are to help you develop an understanding of marketplace activity in the radically different context of subsistence where much of humanity resides and survives, and for you to design solutions that can be implemented by individuals, businesses, and social enterprises through economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable products for subsistence marketplaces.
Frequently asked questions
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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: The foundation for this course lies with unique synergies between pioneering research, teaching, and social initiatives through the Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative. Unique to this approach is a bottom-up understanding of the intersection of poverty and the marketplace. The goals of this course are to help you develop an understanding of marketplace activity in the radically different context of subsistence where much of humanity resides and survives, and for you to design solutions that can be implemented by individuals, businesses, and social enterprises through economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable products for subsistence marketplaces.
Created by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign-
Taught by: Madhu Viswanathan, Diane and Steven N. Miller Professor in Business
Department of Business Administration
Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.
Help from your peersConnect with thousands of other learners and debate ideas, discuss course material, and get help mastering concepts.
CertificatesEarn official recognition for your work, and share your success with friends, colleagues, and employers.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a world leader in research, teaching and public engagement, distinguished by the breadth of its programs, broad academic excellence, and internationally renowned faculty and alumni. Illinois serves the world by creating knowledge, preparing students for lives of impact, and finding solutions to critical societal needs.Syllabus
Course Orientation
You will become familiar with the course, your classmates, and our learning environment. The orientation will also help you obtain the technical skills required for the course.
1 video, 5 readings, 1 practice quiz expand
- Reading: Course Orientation
- Video: Welcome to Subsistence Marketplaces
- Reading: Syllabus
- Reading: About the Discussion Forums
- Practice Quiz: Orientation Quiz
- Reading: Updating Your Profile
- Discussion Prompt: Getting to Know Your Classmates
- Reading: Social Media
Introduction to Subsistence Marketplaces Approach
In this module you will learn about the bottom-up approach to the study of subsistence marketplaces. The module will also discuss cognitive predilections engendered by low-income and low-literacy in subsistence marketplaces.
7 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 1 Overview
- Video: Lesson 1-1.1 Introduction to Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 1-1.2 A Day in the Life of a Rural Homemaker
- Video: Lesson 1-1.3 A Day in the Life of a Family
- Reading: Lesson 1-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 1-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 1-1 Forum Assignment: Day in the Life Video Analysis
- Video: Lesson 1-2.1 Thinking in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Reading: Lesson 1-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 1-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 1-2 Forum Assignment: Poverty Simulation
- Peer Review: Reading Assignment: Analysis of Chapter 1
- Video: Module 1 Live Session: January 18, 2014
- Video: Module 1 Summary: June 16, 2014
- Video: Module 1 Summary: January 2015
Graded: Module 1 Quiz
Graded: Module 1 Project Milestone
Consumers and Entrepreneurs in Subsistence Marketplaces
In this module you will learn about emotions and coping behaviors in subsistence marketplaces. The module will also expose you to the life circumstances of consumers and entrepreneurs in subsistence marketplaces.
7 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 2 Overview
- Video: Lesson 2-1.1 Feeling and Coping in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 2-1.2 A Day in the Life of an Urban Homemaker
- Reading: Lesson 2-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 2-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 2-1 Forum Assignment: Day in the Life Video Analysis (Urban Homemaker)
- Video: Lesson 2-2.1 Subsistence Consumers and Entrepreneurs
- Video: Lesson 2-2.2 A Day in the Life of an Urban Shopkeeper
- Video: Lesson 2-2.3 A Day in the Life of a Rural Shopkeeper
- Reading: Lesson 2-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 2-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 2-2 Forum Assignment: Day in the Life Video Analysis (Rural and Urban Sellers)
- Peer Review: Module 2 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Chapters 3 and 4
- Video: Module 2 Live Session: January 25, 2014
- Video: Module 2 Summary: June 23, 2014
Graded: Module 2 Quiz
Graded: Module 2 Project Milestone
Exchanges and Needs in Subsistence Marketplaces
In this module you will learn about unique aspects that characterize marketplace interactions between buyers and sellers in subsistence marketplaces. You will also learn about understanding needs and markets in subsistence marketplaces.
6 videos, 4 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 3 Overview
- Video: Lesson 3-1.1 Exchanges and Relationships in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 3-1.2 Shakti Rising
- Reading: Lesson 3-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 3-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 3-1 Forum Assignment: Analysis of Movie, Shakti Rising
- Video: Lesson 3-2.1 Needs/Products, Relationships, and Markets in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Reading: Lesson 3-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 3-2 Practice Quiz
- Reading: Lesson 3-2 Virtual Immersion Exercise: Instructions
- Video: Lesson 3-2 Virtual Immersion Slideshow
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 3-2 Forum Assignment: Virtual Immersion Exercise: Submission
- Peer Review: Module 3 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Chapters 2 and 6
- Video: Module 3 Live Session: February 1, 2014
- Video: Module 3 Summary: June 30, 2014
Graded: Module 3 Quiz
Graded: Module 3 Project Milestone
Gaining Marketplaces Insights
In this module you will learn about gaining marketplace insights in subsistence marketplaces. You will also learn about environmental issues in subsistence marketplaces.
16 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 4 Overview
- Video: Lesson 4-1.1 Gaining Marketplace Insights in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 4-1.2 Rural Conversation and Observation
- Video: Lesson 4-1.3 Urban Conversation and Observation
- Reading: Lesson 4-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 4-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 4-1 Forum Assignment: Gaining Insight in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Field Immersion Clip 1
- Video: Field Immersion Clip 2
- Video: Field Immersion Clip 3
- Video: Field Immersion Clip 4
- Video: Field Immersion Clip 5
- Video: A Visit to Tribal Communities in Tanzania
- Video: A Rural Community in Argentina
- Video: A Day in the Life of an Artisan in Mendoza, Argentina
- Video: Lesson 4-2.1 Local Environments in Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 4-2.2 Environmental Issues in Urban Subsistence Marketplaces
- Video: Lesson 4-2.3 Environmental Issues in Rural Subsistence Marketplaces
- Reading: Lesson 4-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 4-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 4-2 Forum Assignment: Analysis of Ecology Videos
- Peer Review: Module 4 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Chapters 7 and 11
- Video: Module 4 Live Session: February 8, 2014
- Video: Module 4 Summary: July 7, 2014
Graded: Module 4 Quiz
Graded: Module 4 Project Milestone
Identifying Needs and Generating Ideas
In this module you will learn about understanding needs in subsistence contexts. You will also learn about a structured approach to generating ideas for addressing the needs in subsistence marketplaces.
8 videos, 5 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 5 Overview
- Video: Lesson 5-1.1 Identifying and Understanding Need, Drivers, and Context Elements
- Video: Lesson 5-1.2 Shakti Rising
- Reading: Lesson 5-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 5-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 5-1 Forum Assignment: Second Analysis of Shakti Rising
- Video: Lesson 5-2.1 Generating Ideas and Designing Solutions
- Reading: Lesson 5-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 5-2 Practice Quiz
- Reading: Additional Resource: Examples of Needs Served
- Reading: Lesson 5-2 Idea Generation Immersion Exercise: Instructions
- Video: Lesson 5-2 Idea Generation Exercise Slideshow – Water
- Video: Lesson 5-2 Idea Generation Exercise Slideshow – Plowing
- Video: Lesson 5-2 Idea Generation Exercise Slideshow – Technology Solutions
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 5-2 Forum Assignment: Idea Generation Immersion Exercise: Submission
- Peer Review: Module 5 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Section Summary I and Chapter 8
- Video: Module 5 Live Session: February 15, 2014
- Video: Module 5 Summary: July 14, 2014
Graded: Module 5 Quiz
Graded: Module 5 Project Milestone
Evaluating Ideas and Designing Solutions
In this module you will learn about evaluating ideas and designing various aspects of the chosen solution.
4 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 6 Overview
- Video: Lesson 6-1.1 Evaluating Solutions and Designing Ecosystems
- Reading: Lesson 6-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 6-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 6-1 Forum Assignment: Analysis of IPT/Bump
- Video: Lesson 6-2.1 Designing, Communicating and Delivering the Value Proposition
- Reading: Lesson 6-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 6-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 6-2 Forum Assignment: Analysis of Almost Home
- Peer Review: Module 6 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Chapters 9 and 10
- Video: Module 6 Live Session: February 22, 2014
- Video: Module 6 Summary: July 21, 2014
Graded: Module 6 Quiz
Graded: Module 6 Project Milestone
Crafting an Enterprise Plan
In this module you will learn about how to craft a detailed enterprise plan for sustainably delivering a solution in subsistence marketplace.
9 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 7 Overview
- Video: Lesson 7-1.1 Designing Elements of Enterprise Plan – Case Study of Sun Oven
- Reading: Lesson 7-1 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 7-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 7-1 Forum Assignment: Analysis of Sun Oven
- Video: Lesson 7-2.1 Designing Elements of Enterprise Plan – Case Study of Marketplace Literacy Project
- Reading: Lesson 7-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 7-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 7-2 Forum Assignment: Analysis of Marketplace Literacy Project
- Video: Emmanuel Ole Kokan Masaai, Pastoralist Society
- Video: Ramadhani Kupaza, OIKOS East Africa
- Video: Peter Luswata, Uganda Rural Community Support Foundation
- Video: Jeannine Koninckx
- Video: Philip Fairweather, Bethel New Life Small Business Development Center
- Video: Professor Tejinder Sharma, Kurukshetra University
- Peer Review: Module 7 Reading Assignment: Analysis of Summary of Section II
- Video: Module 7 Live Session: March 1, 2014
Graded: Module 7 Quiz
Graded: Final Project Milestone
Course Summary and Conclusion
In this module we will recapitulate some key concepts we have learned in the course and offer concluding thoughts.
3 videos, 2 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Reading: Module 8 Overview
- Video: Lesson 8-1.1 Summary
- Reading: Lesson 8-1 and 8-2 Readings
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 8-1 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 8-1 Forum Assignment: Article Writing
- Video: Lesson 8-2.1 Concluding Insights and Perspectives
- Practice Quiz: Lesson 8-2 Practice Quiz
- Discussion Prompt: Lesson 8-2 Forum Assignment: Emersion of New Insights
- Peer Review: Module 8 Reading Assignment: Challenges
- Discussion Prompt: Final Reflections
- Video: Module 8 Live Session: March 8, 2014
Graded: Module 8 Quiz
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