Pro Tools Basics
When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a computer to create music before, or you have been curious about production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Created by: Berklee-
Taught by: Chrissy Tignor-Fisher, Assistant Professor
Contemporary Writing and Production

Frequently asked questions
There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.
When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a computer to create music before, or you have been curious about production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Created by: Berklee-
Taught by: Chrissy Tignor-Fisher, Assistant Professor
Contemporary Writing and Production
Chaque cours fonctionne comme un manuel interactif en proposant des vidéos préenregistrées, des quiz et des projets.
Aide de la part de vos pairsConnectez-vous à des milliers d'autres étudiants et débattez sur des idées, discutez le contenu du cours et obtenez de l'aide pour en maîtriser les concepts.
CertificatsObtenez une reconnaissance officielle pour votre travail et partagez votre réussite avec vos amis, vos collègues et vos employeurs.
Berklee Berklee College of Music was founded on the revolutionary principle that the best way to prepare students for careers in music is through the study and practice of contemporary music. For more than half a century, the college has evolved to reflect the state of the art of music and the music business. Berklee serves distance learners worldwide through its award-winning online extension school, Berklee Online.Syllabus
Welcome to Pro Tools Basics!
Welcome to your Berklee MOOC! Before you begin the course, we will cover all the details about the course and what you'll need to know to get the most out of your experience.
1 video, 9 readings, 1 practice quiz expand
- Lecture: A Note From Chrissy
- Lecture: Connect on Facebook and Twitter
- Lecture: Tell Time
- Lecture: Artist Bio: Amy Allen
- Lecture: Meet Your Teaching Assistant!
- Quiz pour s'exercer: What Are Your Goals?
- Video: What You'll Need For This Course
- Lecture: Download Pro Tools First or the FREE Demo Version
- Lecture: Learner Support
- Lecture: Course Certificates
- Lecture: Peer Review Assignments
Diving In
In this first lesson, we will roll up our sleeves and dive into the Pro Tools interface. We'll learn how to set up a session and how to add instrument and audio tracks. We'll also learn how to save and bounce our work while keeping everything organized.
9 videos expand
- Video: The Pro Tools Interface
- Video: MIDI and Software Instrument Tracks
- Video: Audio Tracks
- Video: Working From Templates
- Video: Organizing Your Session
- Video: Bouncing Your Session
- Video: Saving Your Session
- Video: Working with The Basics
- Video: Giving and Receiving Feedback
- élément LTI: Peer Learning Exercise: Working with The Basics
Graded: The Basics
Exploring MIDI and Software Instruments
In this lesson, we'll focus on MIDI and software instruments. We'll start by learning about the different kinds of sound waves. Next, we'll learn the difference between samplers and synthesizers and how to use them in music production. We'll also learn how to manipulate and automate MIDI.
7 videos, 4 readings expand
- Video: Introduction to On-Board Software Instruments
- Video: Wave Basics
- Lecture: Wave Basics
- Lecture: Simple Automation in Pro Tools
- Demande de discussion: Even MORE About Waves
- Lecture: About Waves
- Video: Synthesizers
- Video: Samplers
- Video: MIDI Manipulation
- Video: Automation
- Video: Working with MIDI and Software Instruments
- Lecture: Beatport
Graded: MIDI and Software Instruments
Graded: Peer Learning Exercise: Working with MIDI and Software Instruments
Recording and Manipulating Audio
This week we'll dive into the world of audio. We'll learn how to properly import and manage audio in Pro Tools. We'll learn how to record into Pro Tools, and we'll also learn how to use AudioSuite to manipulate audio regions.
6 videos, 1 reading expand
- Video: Importing and Managing Audio
- Video: Audio Suite (Reverse)
- Video: Tempo Operations
- Lecture: Audio Samples
- Video: Recording In
- Video: Playlists
- Video: Working with Audio
- élément LTI: Peer Learning Exercise: Working with Audio
Graded: Recording and Manipulating Audio
Mixing and Mastering
In this final lesson we will be discussing mixing and mastering. You'll learn how to make a radio-quality production by adding reverb, EQ, compression, and limiters.
7 videos, 4 readings expand
- Video: Overview of Plugin Effects and Creating a Rough Mix
- Video: EQ
- Lecture: Frequency Graph
- Video: Compression
- Lecture: Compression Recap
- Video: Reverb, Buses, and Aux Tracks
- Lecture: About Reverb
- Video: Limiters
- Video: Practice Mixing and Mastering
- Video: Course Wrap-Up
- Lecture: Credits
Graded: Mixing and Mastering
Graded: Peer Learning Exercise: Practice Mixing and Mastering
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