Introduction to Computer Networks
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The Internet is a computer network that millions of people use every day. Understand the design strategies used to solve computer networking problems while you learn how the Internet works.
About the Course
Computer networks from ISPs to WiFi and cellular networks are a key part of the information economy. These networks are the foundation for the Web, and they enable companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. This course introduces the fundamental problems of computer networking, from sending bits over wires to running distributed applications. For each problem, we explore the design strategies that have proven valuable in practice. Topics include error detection and correction, multip…Frequently asked questions
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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
The Internet is a computer network that millions of people use every day. Understand the design strategies used to solve computer networking problems while you learn how the Internet works.
About the Course
Computer networks from ISPs to WiFi and cellular networks are a key part of the information economy. These networks are the foundation for the Web, and they enable companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon. This course introduces the fundamental problems of computer networking, from sending bits over wires to running distributed applications. For each problem, we explore the design strategies that have proven valuable in practice. Topics include error detection and correction, multiple-access, bandwidth allocation, routing, internetworking, reliability, quality of service, naming, content delivery, and security. As we cover these topics, you will learn how the internals of the Internet work to support the Web and other networked applications. You will develop a detailed understanding of widely-used networking technologies such as TCP/IP, HTTP, 802.11, Ethernet, and DNS.The course includes an optional sequence of projects that provide concrete experience with networked software implementation. The projects culminate in a peer-to-peer social networking application. As many of the problems the Internet must solve to achieve its core functionality must be addressed again by higher layers, the project experience reinforces the lessons of the core course material and relates it to networked application development. The projects target Android phones, although desktop hosting is also supported.
About the Instructor(s)
Arvind Krishnamurthy is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. His research interests span all aspects of building practical and robust computer systems, including distributed systems, computer networks, and security. His recent work is aimed at understanding and making dramatic improvements to the robustness, security, manageability, and performance of Internet-scale systems.David Wetherall is a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. His research on network systems has been awarded the ACM SIGCOMM Test-of- Time Award and the IEEE Bennett Prize. He is known for pioneering results on programmable networks, de-duplication, Internet mapping, and denial-of-service. Prof. Wetherall has taught computer networks to students for the past decade, and he is a co-author with Tanenbaum of the textbook “Computer Networks”. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT, and is a Fellow of the ACM.
John Zahorjan is a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. His research has spanned aspects of computer systems from performance analysis to operating systems and networking. His research work has won the ACM SIGMETRICS Test-of- Time Award.
Recommended Background
We assume a rudimentary understanding of probability and computer system organization, and teach the course at the upper-undergraduate level. To participate in the optional projects you will need to program in Java, and to commit sufficient time for programming. Concurrent programming experience is useful for the projects.Suggested Readings
A textbook is not required to keep up with the lectures or do the homeworks and projects. If you would like a reference or a detailed understanding of the material then we recommend Computer Networks (5th Edition, either U.S. or International version), by Tanenbaum and WetherallCourse Format
The course consists of roughly two hours of video lectures per week, presented in short segments. There will be regular, required homeworks of textbook-style problems and hands-on exercises to cover the basics of the material. For students who want to gain a deep appreciation of computer networks, there is an optional sequence of Android programming projects. The course ends with a final exam.Provided by:
University: University of Washington
Instructor(s): Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, John Zahorjan
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