Global Strategy II: Doing Business in The Global Economy
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- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: This course explores the ways firms overcome challenges when operating globally. The global economy is characterized for its high complexity and uncertainty. Corporations trying to succeed in the global economy need to develop different types of strategies depending on where they are conducting business or what type business they are in. Students taking this course will learn how to determine the best strategy to follow when expanding globally, the advantages and disadvantages of those strategies, and the appropriate responses to external pressures. This course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an inc…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: This course explores the ways firms overcome challenges when operating globally. The global economy is characterized for its high complexity and uncertainty. Corporations trying to succeed in the global economy need to develop different types of strategies depending on where they are conducting business or what type business they are in. Students taking this course will learn how to determine the best strategy to follow when expanding globally, the advantages and disadvantages of those strategies, and the appropriate responses to external pressures. This course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and
Created by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign-
Taught by: Marcelo Bucheli, Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration, College of Business
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a world leader in research, teaching and public engagement, distinguished by the breadth of its programs, broad academic excellence, and internationally renowned faculty and alumni. Illinois serves the world by creating knowledge, preparing students for lives of impact, and finding solutions to critical societal needs.Syllabus
Course Orientation
You will become familiar with the course, your classmates, and our learning environment. The orientation will also help you obtain the technical skills required for the course.
2 videos, 6 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand
- Video: Welcome to Global Strategy II: Doing Business in the Global Economy!
- Video: Meet Professor Bucheli
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Syllabus
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: About the Discussion Forums
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Glossary
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Brand Descriptions
- Тренировочный тест: Orientation Quiz
- Тренировочный тест: Demographics Survey
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Updating Your Profile
- Вопрос для обсуждения: Getting to Know Your Classmates
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Social Media
Module 1: How Should Firms Operate Globally? What Determines Their Global Strategy?
The main challenge of managers going global is to determine the important differences between countries and how to manage them. This class provides an analytical framework on how to manage those differences inside the firm and when competing with other corporations.
5 videos, 1 reading expand
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Module 1 Readings and Resources
- Video: Pressures and Corporate Global Strategy
- Video: The Global Value Chain
- Video: Sources of Responsiveness and Cost Reduction Pressures
- Video: The Four Basic Global Strategies
- Video: Managing Pressures and International Differences
Graded: Module 1 Peer Review Assignment
Graded: Module 1 Quiz
Module 2: Entering Global Markets: Aggressively? Cautiously? Big? Small?
How and when to enter a particular foreign market is a complex decision. While sometimes it makes sense to enter aggressively to earn first-mover advantages, in some other occasions waiting for others to enter first might be the best strategy. Similarly, entering small sometimes makes more sense than entering big. This module explores the advantages of each strategy and when to use them.
4 videos, 1 reading expand
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Module 2 Readings and Resources
- Video: Questions and Concerns about Going Global
- Video: Where to Go?
- Video: When to Go?
- Video: How Big or Small Should We Go?
Graded: Module 2 Quiz
Module 3: Entry Strategies of Multinational Corporations
When entering foreign markets, multinational corporations have different options from which to choose. They are determined by the factors studied in the OLI and CAGE frameworks as well as the strategies chosen based on the cost reduction and differentiation pressures. This section studies how to evaluate which way to enter a foreign market, and the associated advantages and disadvantages.
6 videos, 1 reading expand
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Module 3 Readings and Resources
- Video: Export
- Video: Licensing
- Video: Franchising
- Video: Joint Ventures
- Video: Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
- Video: Strategic Alliances
Graded: Module 3 Peer Review Assignment
Graded: Module 3 Quiz
Module 4: How Do Multinationals Strategize in an Increasingly Complex Political Environment?
When operating globally, managers need to carefully analyze the political environment and develop strategies to deal with issues such as instability, xenophobia, or nationalism. This module explores the options firms have when dealing with political uncertainties, the type of analysis they need to conduct, and the political strategies they can develop.
5 videos, 1 reading, 1 practice quiz expand
- Материал для самостоятельного изучения: Module 4 Readings and Resources
- Video: The Uncertainties of Politics
- Video: Basic Tools to Analyze Global Politics
- Video: General Principles of Geopolitical Risk
- Video: Elements of Domestic Politics Affecting Multinational Firms
- Video: Political Strategies of Multinational Corporations
- Тренировочный тест: End of Course Survey
Graded: Module 4 Quiz
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