English for Teaching Purposes
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- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Thinking about teaching your university subject in English but it’s not the Language you normally use? Then, English for teaching purposes is the course for you. A course on English and teaching methodology that aims to help university lecturers do their teaching in English, in line with university internationalisation policies. The course structure is the same for all learners and there are opportunities for them to link up with colleagues from universities all over the world who share the same discipline and discourse community, to ask questions and exchange ideas. This MOOC targets lecturers who wish to begin using English in their teaching. A priori, this means un…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Thinking about teaching your university subject in English but it’s not the Language you normally use? Then, English for teaching purposes is the course for you. A course on English and teaching methodology that aims to help university lecturers do their teaching in English, in line with university internationalisation policies. The course structure is the same for all learners and there are opportunities for them to link up with colleagues from universities all over the world who share the same discipline and discourse community, to ask questions and exchange ideas. This MOOC targets lecturers who wish to begin using English in their teaching. A priori, this means university lecturers from countries where English is not the L1 or a widely-used language (Romance language-speaking countries, for example), though in fact the course is open to teachers from all educational stages who want to teach through English, following the principles of EMI (English Medium Instruction). On completing the course, you should be able to do the following. a) Teach a university subject in English, having gained the necessary confidence and skills. b) Integrate all aspects of CLIL (methodological, pedagogical, strategic, attitudinal, motivational, linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic) to put together their own English-medium course on their particular subject. c) Describe the characteristics of the university lecture discourse genre (planning, agents, channels, phases, dynamics, and current flexibility of the genre). d) Understand and perform the basic linguistic macro-functions within English teaching discourse. e) Understand and perform, using the appropriate linguistic exponents (vocabulary, structures, and phraseology), the main micro-functions in English teaching discourse: metalinguistic, informative, evaluative, inductive, and social. f) Consolidate their oral expression and interaction skills, and their grammar and vocabulary, at English levels C1 and C2 as defined by the Council of Europe. English for Teaching Purposes is a course provided by the Language Service at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Created by: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-
Taught by: Silvia Solá Viñals, Teacher
Servei de Llengües -
Taught by: Jose Ygoa-Bayer, Teacher
Servei de Llengües -
Taught by: Ian James, Teacher
Servei de Llengües
Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.
Help from your peersConnect with thousands of other learners and debate ideas, discuss course material, and get help mastering concepts.
CertificatesEarn official recognition for your work, and share your success with friends, colleagues, and employers.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a public university located in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. International in its outlook, it is fully consolidated within its local surroundings, and offers quality education in close association with research activity, the transfer of scientific, technological, cultural and educational knowledge, the promotion of its human potential and the responsible management of available resources. The UAB currently offers 81 degrees, 130 official Master Programmes and 183 UAB-specific Masters Degrees. In addition, it offers 174 lifelong learning programmes and 65 PhD Programmes, 27 of which have been distinguished through Quality Awards. The UAB has a total of over 3,500 teaching and research staff, over 2,000 administrative staff and over 40,000 students.Syllabus
Unit 1. Implications for lecturers switching to English as the classroom language
Analysing the critical issues (contextual, linguistic, motivational and methodological aspects). Level of English. Managing anxiety. Improve through re-thinking your teaching to improve it. Teachers’ discourse. Analysing real practice and choosing a particular class as a basis for later course work.
12 videos, 9 readings expand
- Video: What can this MOOC do for you?
- Reading: Welcome, Learners!
- Reading: Syllabus
- Reading: Grading and Logistics
- Reading: FAQ - General topics
- Reading: FAQ- Time management
- Reading: FAQ - Quizzes and assignment
- Reading: FAQ - Certificate
- Reading: About us
- Video: 1. First week introduction
- Video: 1.1. What are the implications of changing over to teaching your classes in English at university?
- Video: 1.2.1. What is English-Medium Instruction (EMI)?
- Video: 1.2.2. Diversity of the EMI methodology
- Video: 1.3. Is my level good enough to change over to teaching at university in this language?
- Video: 1.4. Pronunciation
- Video: 1.5. How do I control my nervousness?
- Video: 1.5.1. Lecture discourse
- Video: 1.6. Changing over to teaching in English: an opportunity to reassess and improve your lecturing
- Video: 1.7. Different kinds of teaching intervention
- Video: 1.8. What class sequence should I choose to teach in English?
- Reading: Week 1 material
Graded: Quiz (Week 1)
Unit 2. Functions related to delivering courses through English (1)
Functions related to discourse structure: beginning and ending a class, concluding. Functions related to clarifying concepts for the students: giving examples, classifying, comparing and contrasting, defining.
12 videos, 9 readings expand
- Reading: Syllabus
- Reading: Grading and logistics
- Reading: FAQ - General topics
- Reading: FAQ - Time management
- Reading: FAQ - Quizzes and assignment
- Reading: FAQ - Certificate
- Reading: About us
- Video: 2. Second week introduction
- Video: 2.1. Which text models does a teacher's oral discourse make use of?
- Video: 2.1.1. Exposition and argumentation
- Video: 2.2. How can I structure oral discourse?
- Video: 2.2.1. Introducing courses and classes
- Video: 2.2.2. Closing a class
- Video: 2.2.3. Concluding
- Video: 2.3. How can I clarify concepts for my students?
- Video: 2.3.1. Giving examples
- Video: 2.3.2. Classifying
- Video: 2.3.3. Definitions
- Video: 2.3.4. Comparing and contrasting
- Reading: Week 2 Material
- Reading: Productive Activity 1 (Optional)
Graded: Quiz (Week 2)
Unit 3. Functions related to delivering courses through English (2)
Functions related to information management: describing processes, expressing cause and effect, describing graphs, helping learners to manage new information. Functions related to evaluation: expressing certainty, presenting evidence, giving one’s opinions. Functions related to induction: giving instructions, motivating learners. Functions related to socialisation: handling classroom interactions and questions in the learning environment.
16 videos, 8 readings expand
- Reading: Syllabus
- Reading: Grading and logistics
- Reading: FAQ - General topics
- Reading: FAQ - Time management
- Reading: FAQ - Quizzes and assignment
- Reading: FAQ - Certificate
- Reading: About us
- Video: 3. Third week introduction
- Video: 3.1. Managing information
- Video: 3.1.1. Describing a process
- Video: 3.1.2. Expressing cause and effect
- Video: 3.1.3. Describing graphs
- Video: 3.1.4. Helping students process new information
- Video: 3.2. Managing subjectivity
- Video: 3.2.1. Expressing certainty
- Video: 3.2.2. Presenting evidence
- Video: 3.2.3. Giving opinions
- Video: 3.3. Influencing the audience
- Video: 3.3.1. Giving instructions
- Video: 3.3.2. Motivating students
- Video: 3.4. Managing interaction
- Video: 3.4.1. Classroom interaction
- Video: 3.4.2. Question management
- Reading: Week 3 material
Graded: Quiz (Week 3)
Unit 4. Recording your class
Recording the class sequence analysed throughout the course.
1 video, 8 readings expand
- Reading: Syllabus
- Reading: Grading and logistics
- Reading: FAQ - General topics
- Reading: FAQ - Time management
- Reading: FAQ - Quizzes and assignment
- Reading: FAQ - Certificate
- Reading: About us
- Video: Fourth week introduction
- Reading: Week 4 material
Graded: Quiz (Week 4)
Graded: Productive Activity 2
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