Ebola: Essential Knowledge for Health Professionals
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About this course: March 2014 marked the starting point of the largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history. Although the disease seems to be on a decrease, we are not there yet and new outbreaks will surely emerge. New efforts to combat the outbreak are necessary. This is why we developed this online course about Ebola, targeted at health professionals across the world. In this course you will cover the fundamental knowledge any health professional should have with expected or confirmed cases or a general interest in the Ebola disease. You will discuss the epidemiology of the disease, its pathophysiology and transmission, the clinical presentation including differential diagnosis…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: March 2014 marked the starting point of the largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history. Although the disease seems to be on a decrease, we are not there yet and new outbreaks will surely emerge. New efforts to combat the outbreak are necessary. This is why we developed this online course about Ebola, targeted at health professionals across the world. In this course you will cover the fundamental knowledge any health professional should have with expected or confirmed cases or a general interest in the Ebola disease. You will discuss the epidemiology of the disease, its pathophysiology and transmission, the clinical presentation including differential diagnosis and confirmation of disease. You will also discuss the general therapeutic approach to the care of Ebola suspected or confirmed patients and discuss the novel vaccine and drug developments. As the Ebola crisis continues to rage through the affected areas, we need health professionals like yourself to be informed and involved. This course is developed in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Amsterdam, the University Medical Center Utrecht (Julius Center/Julius Global Health), Elevate Health, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Lion Heart Foundation.
Created by: University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University-
Taught by: Martin P. Grobusch
Taught by: Joyce L. Browne, MD, PhD
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University
Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.
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University of Amsterdam A modern university with a rich history, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) traces its roots back to 1632, when the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre was established to train students in trade and philosophy. Today, with more than 30,000 students, 5,000 staff and 285 study programmes (Bachelor's and Master's), many of which are taught in English, and a budget of more than 600 million euros, it is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe. It is a member of the League of European Research Universities and also maintains intensive contact with other leading research universities around the world. Utrecht University Utrecht University is a research university comprising seven faculties which collectively span the entire academic spectrum in teaching and research. Founded in 1636, the University is now a modern, leading institute enjoying a growing international reputation. In the Shanghai Ranking, Utrecht University ranks 1st in the Netherlands, 17th in Europe and 56th worldwide. The research focuses on four main strategic themes: Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability. Our motto is: Bright minds, better future.Syllabus
About the course
Here you will find general information about the course. The learning objectives, the structure, the format and the requirements of completion will be presented to you. The course credits and a short survey are part of this first learning unit as well.
1 video, 4 readings expand
- Video: Welcome to the course
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Course syllabus
- Reading: Short survey
- Reading: Credits
This learning unit describes the epidemiology of Ebola virus disease, past outbreaks and the current West African Ebola outbreak.
1 video, 8 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: The Filoviridae family
- Reading: Classification
- Reading: History of the filoviruses
- Reading: Ebola in the news
- Reading: Current outbreak
- Reading: Past outbreaks
- Reading: References
Graded: Final Quiz Epidemiology
Transmission and natural reservoirs
This learning unit describes the probable transmission routes and reservoir(s) of Ebola viruses, which can cause a wide array of symptoms and are often fatal.
1 video, 9 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: The 'hunt' for the natural reservoir
- Reading: Risk of transmission through animals
- Reading: Risk of transmission from person to person
- Reading: Assignment
- Reading: Answers
- Reading: A matter of discussion
- Reading: References
Graded: Final Quiz Transmission and natural reservoirs
This unit will focus on what happens when the virus enters and spreads throughout the body.
1 video, 5 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Pathogenisis and pathophysiology
- Reading: Glossary
- Peer Review: Ebola and sepsis
- Reading: Relevant literature
- Reading: References
Graded: Final Quiz Pathophysiology
Clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, diagnosis
In this learning unit, the focus lies on the clinical symptoms you may encounter when examining patients suspected of ebola virus disease (EVD). The modes of infection of Ebola, incubation time, symptoms, lab findings, differential diagnosis, clinical characteristics of the current epidemic, and complications and outcomes will be discussed.
1 video, 10 readings, 1 practice quiz expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Modes of infection and incubation ime
- Reading: Symptoms
- Reading: Differential diagnosis
- Practice Quiz: Short self-test
- Reading: Assignment
- Reading: Answers
- Reading: Complications and outcome
- Reading: Clinical characteristics
- Reading: Diagnostics
- Reading: References
Graded: Final Quiz Clinical presentation
Therapeutic approaches
The primary objective of this learning unit is to provide you with sufficient knowledge on how to fight the Ebola epidemic from a clinical perspective: how is Ebola virus disease (EVD) treated and how can transmission of the virus be prevented? In addition, this unit gives an overview of the experimental therapeutic options and vaccines.
1 video, 9 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Supportive care
- Reading: Useful links and case reports on supportive care
- Reading: Medical interventions
- Reading: Experimental supportive care and treatment
- Reading: Prevention
- Reading: Vaccine development
- Reading: Interactive medical case
- Reading: References
Graded: Final Quiz Therapeutics
Ebola in the field: The Médecins Sans Frontières experience
In this learning unit you will explore the reality in the field of the care for Ebola patients through the experiences of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Since the start of the Ebola outbreak in West-Africa, MSF has provided care to Ebola patients in Ebola Management Centers (EMCs) across the affected countries Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the interventions in DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Mali, Senegal and Nigeria.
3 videos, 11 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Reading: Ebola Management Center (EMC)
- Reading: Protection of patients
- Reading: Protection of staff
- Reading: Protection of Community
- Reading: Assignment part I
- Reading: Assignment part II
- Reading: Introduction
- Video: Lecture
- Reading: Six Pillars
- Video: Main stakeholders in the current outbreak
- Reading: Dilemmas
- Reading: Assignment
Graded: Final Quiz MSF
Ebola in the field: confronted with Ebola in an existing hospital of the Lion Heart Foundation in Sierra Leone
In this learning unit an example will be given of what consequences the Ebola outbreak has had in the practice. We present you the tough reality in a NGO hospital in Sierra Leone, hear from its staff and experience their work. While reading you can watch corresponding videos.
11 videos, 11 readings expand
- Video: Introduction lecture
- Reading: Introduction
- Video: Welcome from Sierra Leone
- Reading: Preparations
- Video: Community and Trust
- Reading: Safety
- Video: Interview with cleaners
- Reading: Distrust towards the health care system
- Video: Stigma of Ebola
- Reading: Coordination of the fight against the outbreak
- Video: Introduction lab technician Roosevelt Lahai
- Reading: Closing down the hospital
- Video: Medical Staff Survivor
- Reading: Reopening the hospital
- Video: Reopening the hospital for basic health care
- Reading: A new case definition
- Video: Impression of the operation room
- Reading: Deliveries
- Video: Trust and experience in the team
- Reading: Conclusion
- Reading: Assignment
- Video: Impression of cautionary measures and preparations
Final assignment and survey
2 readings expand
- Reading: Final survey
- Reading: Farewells
Graded: Final Assignment
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