Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences

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Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences

Coursera (CC)
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About this course: In this course, professionals at all levels of an organization will learn the best ways to engage an audience they want and need by smartly implementing their important, strategic stories and information and by using proven tools and techniques to enhance an audience’s experiences and interest. Content Strategy is a conversation that provides thought-leadership. It starts a “conversation” with users and stakeholders inside and outside an organization. Conversations are the natural way people think about complex issues. Conversations also enable people to develop “stories,” which lead to understanding and helpful mental pictures. Content Strategy practitioners are at a…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: In this course, professionals at all levels of an organization will learn the best ways to engage an audience they want and need by smartly implementing their important, strategic stories and information and by using proven tools and techniques to enhance an audience’s experiences and interest. Content Strategy is a conversation that provides thought-leadership. It starts a “conversation” with users and stakeholders inside and outside an organization. Conversations are the natural way people think about complex issues. Conversations also enable people to develop “stories,” which lead to understanding and helpful mental pictures. Content Strategy practitioners are at all levels of the best enterprises – in all departments and sectors from the top leader to the newcomer in the ranks. In this complex information age, forward-thinking employees know that if they and their organizations are to thrive, they need to go beyond their job descriptions. They must master the most demanding communications frontier – creating engaging, strategic, honest stories and information that is valued by their most important audiences. In turn that will make their enterprise stand out. Regardless of their area of work, position or expertise, Content Strategy practitioners know how to use words, pictures, video, and social and mobile media to interact with their most important constituents with trustable, actionable information that the audience values and will use. The strategic content they produce enhances the user’s lives and deepens their understanding and engagement with the organization. Guest lecturers in this course include: -- Rachel Davis Mersey, Associate Professor, Medill, Northwestern -- Ed Malthouse, Theodore R. and Annie Laurie Sills Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications, Medill, Northwestern -- Bobby Calder, Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing & Director of the Center for Cultural Marketing, Kellogg, Northwestern -- Steven Duke, Associate Professor, Medill, Northwestern -- Janice Castro, Assistant Professor Emerita, Medill, Nothwestern

Created by:  Northwestern University
  • Taught by:  John Lavine, Founder, Professor and Director, Media Management Center

  • Taught by:  Candy Lee, Professor

    Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Basic Info Course 1 of 5 in the Content Strategy for Professionals Specialization Commitment 4.5 hours of videos and peer review Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.5 stars Average User Rating 4.5See what learners said Coursework

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Northwestern University Northwestern University is a private research and teaching university with campuses in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, and Doha, Qatar. Northwestern combines innovative teaching and pioneering research in a highly collaborative environment that transcends traditional academic boundaries.



Introduction to Content Strategy
Module 1 sets the stage by defining Content Strategy and setting up the three truths that limit, in a profound way, every person you want to reach with your content.

5 videos, 6 readings expand

  1. Video: Introduction from Professor Lee
  2. Reading: What is Content Strategy?
  3. Reading: Course Content and Schedule
  4. Reading: How Do I Get The Most Out Of This Course?
  5. Reading: Meet the Team
  6. Video: What is Content Strategy?
  7. Video: John's Three Truths
  8. Video: It's Not Smart if It's Not Strategic
  9. Video: Intro to Audience and Experiences
  10. Discussion Prompt: Examples from You
  11. Reading: Using Medill on Media Engagement
  12. Reading: An Introduction


Audiences and Brand
Module 2 emphasizes why understanding your audience and being able to effectively segment them is crucial to getting your message across. It also addresses how to craft a core creative concept for a content brand.

7 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: Understanding Your Audience
  2. Video: Creating Personas
  3. Video: Segmenting Your Audience
  4. Video: Targeting an Audience with Experiences
  5. Discussion Prompt: Providing Relevant Content to your Audience
  6. Video: Marketing/Branding Your Content Pt.1
  7. Video: Marketing/Branding Your Content Pt. 2
  8. Video: Creating a Core Creative Concept
  9. Discussion Prompt: Channels of Communication
  10. Reading: The Identity Experience
  11. Reading: Media Concepts
  12. Reading: The Case Study



Experiences and Voice
Module 3 is all about using content “experiences” to engage the people you want to reach and the fundamentals of creating an editorial voice.

8 videos, 4 readings expand

  1. Video: What Are Experiences?
  2. Video: Why Do Experiences Matter?
  3. Video: Understanding the Experiences
  4. Video: How Experiences Apply to Content
  5. Discussion Prompt: Content Experiences
  6. Video: Development of Tone and Voice
  7. Video: Importance of a Unique Content Voice
  8. Video: Best Practices for Professional Writing
  9. Video: Using a Story Arc with Content
  10. Discussion Prompt: An Engaging Content Voice
  11. Reading: The Talk About and Share Experience
  12. Reading: The Makes Me Smarter Experience
  13. Reading: Join us for MOOC 2 - Managing Content!
  14. Reading: Other Resources
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