An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)

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An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)

Coursera (CC)
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  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses offered on Coursera. To make learning Python easy, we have developed a new browser-based programming environment that makes developing interactive applications in Python simple. These applications will involve windows whose contents are graphical and respond to buttons, the keyboard and the mouse. In part 2 of this course, we will introduce more elements of programming (such as list, d…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Programming (general), Python, C/C++, IT Security, and Software / System Engineering.

When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses offered on Coursera. To make learning Python easy, we have developed a new browser-based programming environment that makes developing interactive applications in Python simple. These applications will involve windows whose contents are graphical and respond to buttons, the keyboard and the mouse. In part 2 of this course, we will introduce more elements of programming (such as list, dictionaries, and loops) and then use these elements to create games such as Blackjack. Part 1 of this class will culminate in building a version of the classic arcade game "Asteroids". Upon completing this course, you will be able to write small, but interesting Python programs. The next course in the specialization will begin to introduce a more principled approach to writing programs and solving computational problems that will allow you to write larger and more complex programs.

Created by:  Rice University
  • Taught by:  Joe Warren, Professor

    Computer Science
  • Taught by:  Scott Rixner, Professor

    Computer Science
  • Taught by:  John Greiner, Lecturer

    Department of Computer Science
  • Taught by:  Stephen Wong, Lecturer

    Computer Science
Basic Info Course 2 of 7 in the Fundamentals of Computing Specialization Level Beginner Commitment 4 weeks of study, 7-10 hours/week Language English, Subtitles: Turkish, Chinese (Simplified) How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.9 stars Average User Rating 4.9See what learners said Coursework

Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.

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Rice University Rice University is consistently ranked among the top 20 universities in the U.S. and the top 100 in the world. Rice has highly respected schools of Architecture, Business, Continuing Studies, Engineering, Humanities, Music, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and is home to the Baker Institute for Public Policy.



Week 5 - Mouse input, list methods, dictionaries
Read mouse input, learn about list methods and dictionaries, draw images

10 videos, 4 readings expand

  1. Video: Introduction
  2. Video: Mouse input
  3. Video: List Methods
  4. Video: List Examples
  5. Video: Iteration
  6. Reading: Practice Exercises for Mouse and List Methods (optional)
  7. Video: Dictionaries
  8. Video: Images
  9. Video: Visualizing Iteration
  10. Video: Programming Tips - 5
  11. Reading: Practice Exercises for Dictionaries and Images (optional)
  12. Video: Mini-project Video
  13. Reading: Mini-project Description
  14. Reading: Code Clinic Tips

Graded: Quiz 5a
Graded: Quiz 5b
Graded: Memory


Week 6 - Classes and object-oriented programming
Learn the basics of object-oriented programming in Python using classes, work with tiled images

8 videos, 5 readings expand

  1. Video: Object-oriented Programming - 1
  2. Video: Object-oriented Programming - 2
  3. Video: Working with Objects
  4. Video: Classes for Blackjack
  5. Reading: Practice Exercises for Classes (part 1) (optional)
  6. Reading: Practice Exercise for Avatar class (optional)
  7. Video: Tiled Images
  8. Video: Visualizing Objects
  9. Video: Programming Tips - 6
  10. Reading: Practice Exercises for Classes (part 2) (optional)
  11. Video: Mini-project Video
  12. Reading: Mini-project Description
  13. Reading: Code Clinic Tips

Graded: Quiz 6a
Graded: Quiz 6b
Graded: Blackjack


Week 7 - Basic game physics, sprites
Understand the math of acceleration and friction, work with sprites, add sound to your game

6 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: Acceleration and Friction
  2. Video: Spaceship Class
  3. Video: Sound
  4. Video: Sprite Class
  5. Video: Programming Tips - 7
  6. Reading: Practice Exercises for Sprites and Sound (optional)
  7. Video: Mini-project Video
  8. Reading: Mini-project Description
  9. Reading: Code Clinic Tips

Graded: Quiz 7a
Graded: Quiz 7b
Graded: Spaceship


Week 8 - Sets and animation
Learn about sets in Python, compute collisions between sprites, animate sprites

7 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: Sets
  2. Video: Collisions for Sprites
  3. Reading: Practice Exercises for Sets and Collisions (optional)
  4. Video: Sprite Animation
  5. Video: Programming Tips - 8
  6. Video: Mini-project Video
  7. Reading: Mini-project Description
  8. Reading: Code Clinic Tips
  9. Video: Beyond CodeSkulptor
  10. Video: Class Wrap-up

Graded: Quiz 8
Graded: RiceRocks
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