Lean Six Sigma Executives & Sponsors Classroom Training for Corporations

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Lean Six Sigma Executives & Sponsors Classroom Training for Corporations

Acuity Institute
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Lean Six Sigma Executives and Sponsors course has been designed to teach Lean Six Sigma fundamentals and its application.  Executives and Sponsors, often referred to as Lean Six Sigma Champions, form an important part of a Lean Six Sigma deployment.   As projects are executed, the organization will need support from its Executives and Project Sponsors.  This course is designed to teach Senior Leaders how to be effective in deploying and supporting Lean Six Sigma within their organizations.  We recommend this course to Executives, Business Leaders, Project Sponsors, and Department Leaders.

KEY OUTCOMES (on completion of this course, training participants will be able to…)

  • Understand the B…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Six Sigma, Lean, Process Management, Project Management, and Risk Analysis.

Lean Six Sigma Executives and Sponsors course has been designed to teach Lean Six Sigma fundamentals and its application.  Executives and Sponsors, often referred to as Lean Six Sigma Champions, form an important part of a Lean Six Sigma deployment.   As projects are executed, the organization will need support from its Executives and Project Sponsors.  This course is designed to teach Senior Leaders how to be effective in deploying and supporting Lean Six Sigma within their organizations.  We recommend this course to Executives, Business Leaders, Project Sponsors, and Department Leaders.

KEY OUTCOMES (on completion of this course, training participants will be able to…)

  • Understand the Basics of Lean Six Sigma
  • Learn About the Various Lean Six Sigma Improvement Methodologies
  • Understand the Primary Lean Six Sigma Roles
  • Practice Applying Various Lean Six Sigma Tools
  • Properly Scope and Define Lean Six Sigma Projects
  • Identify Lean Six Sigma Resources (i.e. Black Belts and Green Belts)
  • Understand the Role of Executives and Sponsors in a Successful Lean Six Sigma Deployment
  • Understand the Purpose of Tollgate Reviews and How to Manage Them
  • Understand the Commitment Necessary to Implement Lean Six Sigma


  • Length of Training: Two Days
  • Location of Training: At your company’s designated location/training room (Acuity Institute can arrange a training facility if needed)
  • Course Materials: Training participants receive the Lean Six Sigma Executives and Sponsors course materials which contain over 150 pages of Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques.  The materials are available as an eBook which is fully searchable and contains many links to assist participants in quickly navigating to key tools and concepts. The eBook allows participants the ability to capture notes and comments within the eBook for future reference.  Participants can print directly from the eBook.  The materials are also available as a Printed Course Book.  In addition, seven Lean Six Sigma Toolkit templates are provided with this course.
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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.