Kaizen WorkshopLean Certification
Starting dates and places
Many Lean initiatives fail because people don’t know where to start or how to sustain the lean process improvements. Acuity Institute has developed the FOCUS™ Methodology which gives participants a structured approach to initiating and managing Lean projects in a transactional environment. Where Six Sigma focuses on reducing defects, Lean looks at reducing waste and improving flow in an organization. A Lean business produces just what is needed, when it is needed with no additional labor, costs or time, resulting in bottom line savings. Many manufacturing organizations have embraced this Lean process philosophy while their transactional processes remain inefficient.
Acuity Institute’s L…
Frequently asked questions
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Many Lean initiatives fail because people don’t know where to start or how to sustain the lean process improvements. Acuity Institute has developed the FOCUS™ Methodology which gives participants a structured approach to initiating and managing Lean projects in a transactional environment. Where Six Sigma focuses on reducing defects, Lean looks at reducing waste and improving flow in an organization. A Lean business produces just what is needed, when it is needed with no additional labor, costs or time, resulting in bottom line savings. Many manufacturing organizations have embraced this Lean process philosophy while their transactional processes remain inefficient.
Acuity Institute’s Lean FOCUS™ for the Transactional / Services Environment is designed for project managers and team members to enable them to apply the best practices and top tools and techniques of Lean to their service processes. The course utilizes a combination of a Lead-time reduction simulation, case studies, and application of tools to facilitate learning of principles. The Lean course follows Acuity’s unique Lean training methodology Focus, Operate, Create, Utilize and Sustain. The FOCUS™ roadmap will assist users to identify problems, improve and implement a Lean solution.
The Lean training is conducted online and uses a multi-media format that includes audio by Lean experts, examples of Lean efforts, interactive simulations and quizzes, and the most current and robust tools and techniques available. The course is “self-paced” and can be accessed at anytime – anywhere, which provides the most flexibility in completing the course. On average students complete the Lean course in 45 hours (average completion time, actual time may vary).
Acuity Institute’s Lean course is one of the most practical in the world. We recommend this course to Project Leaders, Department Leaders, Business Leaders, Team Members, Black Belts and Green Belts. This course is an excellent opportunity for Black Belts and Green Belts who are training in Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma to take a comprehensive dive into additional robust Lean tools and techniques.
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Do you have experience with this course? Submit your review and help other people make the right choice. As a thank you for your effort we will donate $1.- to Stichting Edukans.There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.