4 Cold Calling Training Courses
See also: Telephone Sales, Sales Pitch, and Sales / Selling Skills.
See also: Telephone Sales, Sales Pitch, and Sales / Selling Skills.
Cold Calling: Overcoming Sales Objections

Cold calling is one of the best tools available for lead generation. But the process is plagued with hard-to-overcome objections that can c…
Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

Studies have shown that first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new. This means that we need to project the best…
Cold Calling Mastery

Cold Calling Mastery Doelgroep Iedereen die zich verder wil verdiepen in dit onderwerp en zich eventueel wil voorbereiden op het bijbehoren…
Cold-Calling Directors and Executives

When it comes to cold prospecting, speaking to business leaders directly is often seen as a scary prospect by new and experienced salespeop…