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4 Cold Calling Training Courses

See also: Telephone Sales, Sales Pitch, and Sales / Selling Skills.

See also: Telephone Sales, Sales Pitch, and Sales / Selling Skills.


Cold Calling: Overcoming Sales Objections

Logo IT-Learning

Cold calling is one of the best tools available for lead generation. But the process is plagued with hard-to-overcome objections that can c…


Cold Calling: The First Seven Seconds

Logo IT-Learning

Studies have shown that first impressions are made within seven seconds of meeting someone new. This means that we need to project the best…


Cold Calling Mastery

Logo IT-Learning

Cold Calling Mastery Doelgroep Iedereen die zich verder wil verdiepen in dit onderwerp en zich eventueel wil voorbereiden op het bijbehoren…


Cold-Calling Directors and Executives

Logo IT-Learning

When it comes to cold prospecting, speaking to business leaders directly is often seen as a scary prospect by new and experienced salespeop…