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10 DJ Work Training Courses


Jason Bentley, Radio DJ and Musician

Logo Lynda

Shows how Jason Bentley works his magic as he takes us behind the scenes at KCRW and gives us a peek at his home studio in Venice, CA.A tru…


DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

Logo IT-Learning

DJ Patil—the former US chief data scientist—boasts a unique perspective on the future, risks, and all-around power of data. In addition…


Data Impact with DJ Patil

Logo IT-Learning

Data science has revolutionized the world in many ways, as the use of data—including AI and machine learning—impacts every facet of our…


DJ Patil on Data Science: The Ask Me Anything Conversations

Logo IT-Learning

DJ Patil—the former United States Chief Data Scientist—boasts a unique perspective on the future, risks, and all-around power of data. …


Native Instruments 216: Traktor DJ For iPad

Logo macProVideo

32 videos | 117 minutes | by Hollin Jones It’s just you up there, entertaining the masses... with just your iPad! That’s how powerful Nativ…


SongCraft: Producing Hired Gun and DJ Boo

Logo macProVideo

20 videos | 74 minutes | by SongCraft A songwriter, a Hip Hop artist, a DJ, a studio and only one day to produce song! Possible? We’ll find…


Kate Stone: DJ decks made of... paper

Logo TEDtalks

Ted Talk: "I love paper, and I love technology," says physicist and former sheep herder Kate Stone, who's spent the past decade working to …


In 10 weken een succesvolle dj-carrière

Logo Soofos B.V.

In 10 weken een succesvolle dj-carrière! Geef met deze online cursus je dj-carrière een boost, krijg meer boekingen en groei als ondernemer…


Online DJ Cursus voor Beginners

Logo Soofos B.V.

Heb jij altijd al vol bewondering gekeken naar DJ's als Armin van Buuren, DJ Hardwell en Nicky Romero? Ook jij kan leren om zo te draaien! …


Complete Online DJ cursus voor Beginners [2024]

Logo Soofos B.V.

Deze beginnerscursus DJ'en omvat alles van setup en basis mixtechnieken tot geavanceerde effecten en je eerste optreden, perfect om je DJ-v…