Training Focus Management: Focus ON/OFF

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Linda Abrams+4
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Training Focus Management: Focus ON/OFF

Focus Academy
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Provider rating: starstarstarstarstar_half 9.0 Focus Academy has an average rating of 9.0 (out of 413 reviews)

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computer Online: Teams
17 Jun 2025
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event June 17, 2025, 09:00-12:00, Teams, Training Focus Management: Focus ON/OFF


Meer grip op je focus krijgen, dat is waar het bij Focus Academy om draait.

Training Focus Management: Focus ON/OFF

How do you get more done in a world full of distractions?

In recent years, the number of stimuli we are exposed to has increased fivefold. As a result, we are imore and more interrupted in our activities. The more interruptions, the lower our productivity and the less time we have for complex tasks. As a result, we often feel (too) busy and experience more stress. 

In the Focus ON/OFF training course you will discover how the brain deals with distractions, identify your concentration leaks and learn techniques to optimise your focus. Our experienced and enthusiastic trainers will guide you in developing a personalized action plan with new habits for…

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Meer grip op je focus krijgen, dat is waar het bij Focus Academy om draait.

Training Focus Management: Focus ON/OFF

How do you get more done in a world full of distractions?

In recent years, the number of stimuli we are exposed to has increased fivefold. As a result, we are imore and more interrupted in our activities. The more interruptions, the lower our productivity and the less time we have for complex tasks. As a result, we often feel (too) busy and experience more stress. 

In the Focus ON/OFF training course you will discover how the brain deals with distractions, identify your concentration leaks and learn techniques to optimise your focus. Our experienced and enthusiastic trainers will guide you in developing a personalized action plan with new habits for sustained focus and less stress.

Overview half-day training course:

  • Based on the bestseller Focus ON/OFF.
  • Interaction: room for personal  input and questions.
  • For more focus with less stress
  • Each participant designs their own Focus Plan.
  • Including workbook, pen and the book Focus ON OFF.
  • Optional: personal coaching session.

The Programme

In the first block, we concentrate on focus and flow. What is focus, and how do you get into the flow? You will learn how distraction works in the brain, get introduced to the four concentration leaks, and explore the Focus Model.

In the second block, we explore how you can increase your resilience to reduce the likelihood of getting distracted.

In the third block, we address the impact of internal and external stimuli, such as mobile phones, email, apps, and colleagues. You'll discover how to work with focus in an open office or at home and navigate the balance between productivity and availability.

After completing this training session, you will:

  • Get back into the flow more easily after an interruption.
  • Work more productively in any location—whether at home or in a busy office.
  • Stop distracting thoughts more easily and be fully present in the moment.
  • Have sufficient energy left at the end of a productive day.
  • Switch tasks faster and consistently get more done.
  • Have better control over your to-do list and work-life balance.
  • Experience less stress.

With our training courses, we help you, your team or organisation gain more focus. An essential skill in a world full of distractions. Discover how the brain handles attention and concentration and which routines you can use to make the most of them. Improve your wellbeing by achieving higher productivity with more focus.

In short, get more done with less stress. 

Would you like to know how distraction works in the brain and what you can do to get a grip on focus? Then watch our introductory training, consisting of four short videos + Focus Quick Scan:

Result guarantee
Focus Academy guarantees the result, the learning objective of the training. If after some time you feel that the training content or tools are no longer clear, you can follow a refresher course at any time, free of charge. 

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We store your personal details, and share them with Focus Academy, in order to help you along via email and potentially via phone. You can find more info in our privacy policy.