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643 Artificial Intelligence Training Courses


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer (Kunstmatige Intelligentie) – Master's Program – Een uniek leer- en certificeringstraject!

Logo Adding Value Consulting (AVC)

Artificial Intelligence Engineer / Kunstmatige Intelligentie - Master's Program Een uniek leer- en certificeringstraject! Artificial Intell…


Masterclass AI & Digital Transformation

Logo TIAS School for Business and Society
placeMonday 10 March 2025 in Tilburg and 2 other dates

Technologische ontwikkelingen zorgen voor veranderingen in klantgedrag, nieuwe vormen van concurrentie, andere distributiemogelijkheden, ee…


Artifical Intelligence (Ai) - Kunstmatige Intellegentie - eLearning

Logo Adding Value Consulting (AVC)

Artifical Intelligence (Ai) Kunstmatige Intellegentie - eLearning Krijg inzicht in AI-concepten, workflows en prestatiestatistieken Kunstma…


Strategie bij Digitalisering (Digital and AI Strategy)

Logo Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University - Executive Education
placeMonday 10 March 2025 in Rotterdam and 1 other date

Leer hoe jij en je bedrijf gebruik kunnen maken van opkomende technologieën die dreigen jouw industrie te verstoren en transformeren, zoals…


Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals | AI-900

Logo CLS Computertrainingen
placeWednesday 05 March 2025 in Drachten and 24 other dates

Microsoft Azure is a set of cloud computing services that constantly continues to grow. Azure helps your organization solve all kinds of bu…


Computer Science 171: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Logo UC Irvine OpenCourseWare

The course includes (informed and uninformed) search, constraint satisfaction, optimization, games, propositional and first order logic, pr…


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Logo Udacity

AI-Class The objective of this class is to teach you modern AI. You will learn about the basic techniques and tricks of the trade. We also …


Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

Logo Udacity

Programming a Robotic Car Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car from the leader of Google and Stanford's autonomous d…


WEBINAR Introduction AI and Machine Learning

Logo Web Infra Academy (EN)

This is a webinar: live connected to the instructor using Skype or Zoom from a location that suits you. This Introduction AI and Machine Le…


AI for Business Certificate

Logo Growth Tribe

Learn AI fundamentals and how to leverage ChatGPT and prompt engineering for content and design generation. Boost productivity with AI solu…


Generative AI Business Transformation

Logo DutchTrain

Generative AI Business Transformation Generative AI is a cutting-edge technology that will transform nearly every business function, rangin…


ChatGPT & Generative AI

Logo DutchTrain
placeAmersfoort, Amsterdam and 6 other regions

ChatGPT & Generative AI ChatGPT, een krachtige tool gebaseerd op Generative AI, maakt het genereren van diverse teksten zoals e-mails, rapp…


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Foundation incl. examen

Logo DutchTrain
placeAmersfoort, Amsterdam and 6 other regions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Foundation Neem de volgende stap in het ontwikkelen van uw kennis en begrip van Artificial Intelligence met de…


Artificial Intelligence (AI) voor bedrijven en overheid incl. examen

Logo DutchTrain
placeAmersfoort, Amsterdam and 6 other regions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) voor bedrijven en overheid incl. examen De Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC) heeft een standaard ontwikkeld voo…


人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: 本課程有兩大課程目標: 1. 使同學了解如何以搜尋達成人工智慧 2. 使同學能將相關技術應用到自己的問題上 Created by: National Taiwan University Taught by: 于天立(Tian-Li,Yu) …