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42 Economics Training Courses

See also: Accounting, C/C++, Retail (Management), English (FCE / CAE / CPE), Teaching Skills, Education, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, International Economics, and Stock & Options Market.

See also: Accounting, C/C++, and Retail (Management).


實驗經濟學 (Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory)

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: 人是否會如同理論經濟學的預測進行決策?這門課將透過每週的課程影片以及課後作業帶你了解實驗經濟學的基本概念。每週將會有習題練習以及指定閱讀的期刊論文。你將會參與一些線上的實驗、報告論文並且互評其他同學的報告。 ❖ 課程介紹(About the…


Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: This seven-week course will explore the relationship between law and technology with a strong focus on the law of the Un…


Экономика для неэкономистов (Economics for non-economists)

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: Главная цель курса - заложить у наших слушателей основы экономической грамотности, "экономического образа мышления" и по…


Институциональная экономика (Institutional economics)

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: Этот курс – первый шаг к пониманию институтов и их роли в экономике и обществе, первый взгляд на богатую идеями и резуль…



Logo Spears School of Business

The Master of Science in Economics serves the dual purpose of preparing students for doctoral study and for employment in business and gove…


Quantitative Financial Economics

Logo Spears School of Business

MS in Quantitative Financial Economics The goal of the MSQFE Program is to offer a “finishing school” to two distinct streams of students. …


Applied Economics for Business

Logo UC Berkeley Extension

Enroll Now: Online, enroll anytime Enroll Now Online course: Internet access required Enroll anytime: You have 6 months to complete $800 (E…


Public Economics

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: This course offers an introduction into the public economics theory. It does not aspire to cover theories of taxation, p…


Managerial Economics and Business Analysis Capstone

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: The capstone project involves an in-depth analysis of an actual business situation in which you will examine the global …


Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: In this class, we will derive equilibrium outcomes across a variety of market structures. We will begin by understanding…


Politics and Economics of International Energy

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: Energy issues have always been important in international relations, but in recent years may have become even more impor…


Country Level Economics: Macroeconomic Variables and Markets

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: This course discusses how macroeconomic variables affect individuals’ personal, professional, and public activities and …


Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: Think about the oldest and most familiar principles of American law, property and proportional liability, in a new and s…


Economics of Money and Banking

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary sy…


Country Level Economics: Policies, Institutions, and Macroeconomic Performance

Logo Coursera (CC)

About this course: This course examines macroeconomic performance in the short run and the long run based on the economy’s institutional an…