Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition

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Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition

Coursera (CC)
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About this course: The purpose of the course is to bring the basic knowledge on the specific aspects of Russian economy that had significant impact on the latest development trends in Russia. This course will provide you with knowledge on: 1) the basics of economy; 2) understanding the role of market reforms in developing the key features of modern Russian economy; 3) understanding specific aspects of Russian economy; 4) cause-effect relationship of the most significant trends in Russia’s economic development; 5) instruments for analysis of Russian economy; 6) business climate in Russia and skills required for doing business in Russia. Currently, different aspects of economy have some i…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
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About this course: The purpose of the course is to bring the basic knowledge on the specific aspects of Russian economy that had significant impact on the latest development trends in Russia. This course will provide you with knowledge on: 1) the basics of economy; 2) understanding the role of market reforms in developing the key features of modern Russian economy; 3) understanding specific aspects of Russian economy; 4) cause-effect relationship of the most significant trends in Russia’s economic development; 5) instruments for analysis of Russian economy; 6) business climate in Russia and skills required for doing business in Russia. Currently, different aspects of economy have some influence on us and our behavior - e.g. currency exchange rates, inflation and other things define the way in which we distribute our income between savings and investments. In order to understand these principles it is required to have the basic knowledge on economics. So it is not only a lecture on Russian economy. Another main objective of the course is to develop knowledge on the basics of economy as such. So the course will disclose universal patterns by analyzing trends in Russian economy. FAQ: Q: What is targeted audience for this course? What are the course prerequisites? A: The course is mainly developed for students pursuing their master’s degree in the field of international economy and for those who have professional interest in Russian economy. It requires basic knowledge of economic terms. Q: What are the minimum requirements to pass the course? A: In order to pass the course and receive a Course Certificate you will need to have at least 80% of correct answers in each quiz. Welcome to the course “Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition”!

Created by:  Higher School of Economics
  • Taught by:  Vladimir Zuev, Professor

    Department of Trade Policy
Commitment 8 weeks of study, 1-3 hours/week Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.5 stars Average User Rating 4.5See what learners said Coursework

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Higher School of Economics National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) is one of the top research universities in Russia. Established in 1992 to promote new research and teaching in economics and related disciplines, it now offers programs at all levels of university education across an extraordinary range of fields of study including business, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, international relations, law, Asian studies, media and communications, IT, mathematics, engineering, and more. Learn more on www.hse.ru



Introduction to ‘a transition in Russia’ course

Welcome to the Week 1! This module will introduce you to the basics of the given course and to the general issues of transition in Russia. You will learn about economic features of Russia. Our video-lectures will answer the following question: how the transition was at all possible in Russia. Finally, the end of the module is accompanied with a test. Test questions are based on the information from the lectures, but for some of them you will have to find the right answer using different statistical and informational sources.

6 videos, 5 readings expand

  1. Video: Introduction
  2. Reading: Assessment
  3. Reading: Course Staff
  4. Reading: Course Plan
  5. Reading: Basic Readings
  6. Reading: Pre-course survey
  7. Video: Economic importance of Russia. Size matters
  8. Video: Territory as an economic asset
  9. Video: Territory full with resources
  10. Video: How to make use in full of all the treasures available?
  11. Video: How the transition was at all possible?

Graded: Territory full with resources


Brief Russian economic history

Welcome to the Week 2! On this week you’ll learn how the transition was set up and organized. In this module we begin the analysis of the Russian economic policy. Understanding the specifics of transition process is crucial for understanding the roots and reasons of modern domestic issues of Russian Federation. That’s why we will make a thorough analysis of it.

5 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Transition set up. Starting point
  2. Video: Pillars of market reforms
  3. Video: State assets privatization. Vouchers
  4. Video: Another side of privatization.Buy-outs 1
  5. Video: Another side of privatization.Buy-outs 2
  6. Reading: Readings for Week 2
  7. Discussion Prompt: Discussion question for Week 2

Graded: Brief Russian economic history


Pillars of market reforms

Welcome to the Week 3! Today we continue to analyze initial measures within market reforms in Russia. The module will cover several topics like price liberalization including radical reform widely known as ‘’shock therapy’’ and real estate privatization. Then we will proceed to major controversies and paradoxes of transition. This module provides discussion on the ‘’New Russians’’.

6 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Price liberalization. Shock therapy
  2. Video: Real estate privatization
  3. Discussion Prompt: Discussion question
  4. Video: Outcomes
  5. Video: Paradoxes
  6. Video: Basics and conclusions. Reform Goals for Russia
  7. Video: Other aspects of reforms
  8. Reading: Readings for Week 3
  9. Discussion Prompt: New Russians

Graded: Pillars of market reforms


Lost opportunities of transition

Welcome to the Week 4! Now we are coming to the next period of the Russian economic transition, namely the period since 1993. As usual you will get useful knowledge through video-lectures. However don’t forget to look at the list of recommended literature in case you want to learn more about the topic of this week. Also you will have to pass a short quiz in order to be assessed as a result of the Week 4.

5 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Economic transition under the Presidential authority and the new PM since 1993
  2. Video: 1998 crisis
  3. Discussion Prompt: Protectionism in the late 1990s
  4. Video: Understanding the crisis roots 1
  5. Video: Understanding the crisis roots 2
  6. Video: Outcomes of transition. Paradoxes
  7. Reading: Reading for Week 4

Graded: Lost opportunities of transition


Understanding the golden decade and the subsequent crisis

Welcome to the Week 5! We continue to analyze Russian economy in transition. This week we pass on to an extremely interesting period of Russian economic history. We will look at the decade of steady growth, which can be called the golden decade for Russian economy. Economic crisis in 2008 in Russia will be the second important point of this week.

4 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: The golden decade 1999-2008
  2. Video: Understanding the golden decade
  3. Video: 2008 economic crisis
  4. Video: Evolution of perception of transition. Paradoxes
  5. Reading: Reading for Week 5

Graded: Understanding the golden decade and the subsequent crisis


Lessons of transition. Searching for solutions

Welcome to the Week 6! Now we will focus on some lessons of transition. To be more precise you will learn what role Stabilization Fund plays in Russian economy. ‘’To save or to borrow’’ dilemma and its solution in Russia will be discussed in this module as well. Then we are going to look at the impact of 2008 financial crisis on Russian economy.

4 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Two crises lessons
  2. Video: Stab Fund’s role to assure economic stability
  3. Video: ‘To save or to borrow’ dilemma
  4. Video: Lessons from Stabilization Fund
  5. Reading: Reedings for Week 6

Graded: Lessons of transition. Searching for solutions


Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy

Welcome to the Week 7! Special focus will be on difficulties which Russia has faced as a result of the transition. There is rather long list of current challenges to Russian economic development. These problems have different roots, which we will consider. Please finish with the weekly quiz, which will help you to refresh your knowledge and help us to assess them.

5 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Political challenges to transition
  2. Video: Challenge of mineral resources’ abundance. Paradox
  3. Video: Will the muted virus of the Dutch decease infect Russian economy forever? How to catch up with a technological gap?
  4. Video: International division of labor. A new thinking on self reliance
  5. Video: Business narrow escape challenge
  6. Discussion Prompt: Discussion question for Week 7
  7. Reading: Readings for Week 7

Graded: Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy


Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy (follow up)

Welcome to the Week 8! We continue to speak on major challenges of Russian economy. It is our final lecture on the domestic issues of Russian economy. So you will get some general conclusions over economic transition in Russia. We offer you to pass a test that differs a bit from the previous ones - it includes a few questions from the previous topics. Good luck with your further studies!

4 videos expand

  1. Video: Poor infrastructure challenge
  2. Video: Infrastructure for an economic development
  3. Video: Corruption as a systemic challenge?
  4. Video: Corruption origins. Way out
  5. Discussion Prompt: Discussion question for Week 8

Graded: Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy (follow up)
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