Essentials for English Speeches and Presentations 英语演讲与演示
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- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Students must learn essential knowledge and skills to deliver an impressive English speech or presentation for academic purposes, job hunting, and business occasions. Global perspectives and inter-cultural communication skills are taught here to facilitate most Chinese English learners. 学习在学术交流、求职、海外留学与商务场景下进行英文演讲与演示所必备的知识与技能,强化中国学生的全球化视角与跨文化沟通技巧。
Created by: Peking University-
Taught by: Hongyan 宏岩 ZHANG 张, Dr.
School of Software& Microelectronics北京大学软件与微电子学院

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan .
- Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
- Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.
About this course: Students must learn essential knowledge and skills to deliver an impressive English speech or presentation for academic purposes, job hunting, and business occasions. Global perspectives and inter-cultural communication skills are taught here to facilitate most Chinese English learners. 学习在学术交流、求职、海外留学与商务场景下进行英文演讲与演示所必备的知识与技能,强化中国学生的全球化视角与跨文化沟通技巧。
Created by: Peking University-
Taught by: Hongyan 宏岩 ZHANG 张, Dr.
School of Software& Microelectronics北京大学软件与微电子学院
Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.
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Peking University Peking University is determined to make its education openly accessible to students in China and around the world. With over 3000 faculty members, Peking University offers excellence in teaching and learning. Founded in 1898, Peking University (PKU) was the first national comprehensive university in China. For the past 115 years, with its hundreds of thousands of outstanding alumni, Peking University has made prominent contributions in the humanities and sciences to further China's prosperity and progress.Syllabus
Week 1. 学习策略 Learning Strategy
欢迎学习英语演讲与演示课程!有相当一部分中国学生学了很多年英语,却没办法用英文流利地进行演讲和演示。只要我们掌握好精通英语的四个要素,采用科学的学习方法,搭建良好的内在环境,学好英语演讲其实并不难。Session 1 is a must see for all Chinese students, not necessarily for learners from other countries, the lecturer shared his view on English learning based on his first-hand experience communicating with people with different cultures and teaching to Chinese students at all levels, for the past two decades. The scope, pedagogy, and targets of this course are mentioned here.
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- Video: 1-1谁该学这门课
- Video: 1-2讲师自我介绍与课程范围
- Video: 1-3精通英语的四个要素
- Video: 1-4说好英语内在环境胜过外在环境
- Video: 1-5英语演讲并不困难
- Video: 1-6英语演讲与演示的学习方法与课程流程
Week2. 语音语调 Pronunciation and intonation
本周着力于让学生理解和熟悉英语国家发音之间的差异,认识中国学生英语口语存在的诸多问题,然后提出快速纠正发音与语调问题的捷径之路。For non-native English learners, the issue of pronunciation and intonation is among foremost task to tackle before they can deliver a good English speech. Here is the shortcut, people who are not confident with their pronunciation cannot miss this.
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- Video: 2.1 英语要比汉语好学得多 English easier than Chinese
- Video: 2.2 中国学生英语口语的主要问题 Major issues in pronunciation
- Video: 2.3 体会各国英语发音之间的差异 Appreciate different Englishes
- Video: 2.4 英语音标中的元音 Vowels
- Video: 2.5 英语音标中的辅音 Consonants
- Video: 2.6 常错音的纠正 Frequently mispronounced
- Video: 2.7 英音和美音的转换关键 Switching Between British Accent and American Accent
- Video: 2.8 快速复习与单音发音作业1 Quick Review and Homework No.1
- Video: 2.9 美语语调的培养 Putting on American Accent
Graded: Homework No. 1: Voice Recording
Week3. 中西文化差异与全球化视角Cultural Differences and Global Perspective
本周以张宏岩老师竞选巴黎高商学生会主席的演讲为例,分析与总结一篇成功的演讲应具备哪些要素。通过中西文化差异的对比,结合个人故事,提出全球化视角下英语演讲的四个建议。Building up on the case of his personal story, winning presidency of students’ association at a worldwide prestigious MBA school, the lecturer advises on how to put up global perspective in speeches, and how cultural difference affect our speeches. This is among essential parts of this course.
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- Video: 3.1 竞选巴黎高商学生会主席的演讲 Personal story: The speech that won presidency)
- Video: 3.2 案例演讲分析与总结 Case analysis and lessons drawn
- Video: 3.3 中西文化的差异 Cultural differences between China and western world
- Video: 3.4 个人故事"I only kiss the one I love" Personal story: “I only kiss the one I love”
- Video: 3.5 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (1) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
- Video: 3.6 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (2) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
- Video: 3.7 全球化视角下英语演讲的4个建议 (3) Four suggestions for making speak with global perspective
- Video: 3.8 演讲作业 Homework No.2
Graded: Homework No. 2: Giving a Speech
Week4. 演讲中的语言技能与非语言技Verbal and non-verbal skills
一篇成功的演讲不仅要求演讲者具备良好的语言技能,同时对非语言技能的要求也很高。肢体语言、TONE、身体移动与站姿、手势甚至视觉接触都会影响演讲最终的呈现效果。好的演讲者不仅要熟练掌握演讲如何开始如何起承转合如何结尾等语言技能,也应注重培养自己的非语言技能。The lecturer discusses how verbal and non-verbal communication skills function when we conduct English speeches & presentations. Cases mentioned are from home and abroad.
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- Video: 4.1 肢体语言概述 Non-verbal Language
- Video: 4.2 TONE在演说中的重要性 Importance of Tone
- Video: 4.3 身体移动与站姿 Body movement and Posture
- Video: 4.4 手势 Gesture
- Video: 4.5 视觉接触 Eye Contact
- Video: 4.6 课后学习作业 After-class Learning Advice
- Video: 4.7 演讲开头的方式 How to Start a Speech
- Video: 4.8 演讲中的路标词汇 Signposts in Your Speech
- Video: 4.9 演讲结尾的方式 How to Conclude a Speech
Week5. 积极词汇建设与图表描述Active vocabulary building
背了那么多本单词书,一开口还是发现自己词不达意?记下再多的单词,没有转化成积极词汇量还是然并卵啊!本周课程不仅阐述了如何多角度建设积极词汇量,还从大量TED演讲中汲取知识和经验,以经典数据展示为例,帮助同学攻克图表描述的难关。This session deals with the bricks to build up the speech tower, the vocabulary issue. The concept of active vocabulary is advocated and recommendations were given here.
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- Video: 5.1 积极词汇量建设之避免性别歧视 Active vocabulary building
- Video: 5.2 积极词汇量建设之使语言适度 Being Approperiate-1 Describing Frequency
- Video: 5.3 常用图表的相关英文表达 How data is used in Speeches and Presentations
- Video: 5.4 练习描述数据变化 Describing changes in data
- Video: 5.5 练习描述数据变化 Describing changes in data
- Video: 5.6 学习范例1:Khan如何使用图表 How did Khan use charts
- Video: 5.7 学习范例2:Hans的倾情数据使用 portrait of use data
- Video: 5.8 两个数据描述练习 Practice -describe the graph
- Video: 5.9 各类英语考试对词汇的要求 Active vocabulary building
- Video: 5.10 为演讲如何建设积极词汇量 How to Active vocabulary
- Video: 5.11 下讲预告 Forecast
Week6. 面试和自我介绍 Interviews & Self Introduction
英语水平在正规面试中的重要性不言而喻,可是我一遇到面试就心慌慌怎么办?别怕,张宏岩老师以自己做面试官的经历总结出面试中的四个重要部分以及面试官看重的一些要素。大家只要在面试前准备充足,注意面试中的礼节,采取正确的面试策略,肯定能妥妥儿拿下哈!学完这一节可不要忘了做作业巩固哦~The most common types of English speech would be during an interview, and 95% of Chinese English learners use English to introduce themselves. Both international etiquette and communication strategy are covered here.
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- Video: 6.1 英语在面试中的重要性及做为面试官的经历 The importance of English in the interview and As the interviewer's experience
- Video: 6.2 面试中的四个重要部分 Four important part of the interview
- Video: 6.3 面试官看重的一些要素 Elements of the interviewer valued
- Video: 6.4 要点一:面试前的准备 Prepare before the interview
- Video: 6.5 要点二:面试中的礼节 Interview etiquette
- Video: 6.6 要点三:面试中的策略 Interview Strategies
- Video: 6.7 要点四:自我介绍 Self-introduction
- Video: 6.8 作业练习 Homework
Graded: Homework No. 3: Giving a Speech
Week7. 看看外教怎么说 Native expert’s view
张宏岩老师邀请美国好友Charles Odendhal 先生为大家上课。Odenhal 先生自98年致力于为中国知名大学和企业包括央企高管做沟通方面的训练。他从母语者角度不仅告诉大家应该如何做一个好的演讲,而且提供了克服演讲中障碍的方法,更有一些关于英语演讲的建议与问答,简直是倾囊相授啊!速速来看!Mr. Charles Odendhal, an experienced lecturer from USA who had been providing communication training to many leading Chinese universities and enterprises, together with executives from SOEs under supervision of the central government. He shared, from a native speaker’s point of view, his own experience teaching a Chinese to make great English speeches and presentations.
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- Video: 7.1 介绍及邀请嘉宾Charles Oden
- Video: 7.2 关于英语演讲的一些建议与问答
- Video: 7.3 演讲的纲要与建议
- Video: 7.4 怎样做一个好的演讲
- Video: 7.5 考虑听众的需求与理解
- Video: 7.6 演讲中的障碍与克服方法
- Video: 7.7 演讲中的其他要素与演讲的准备与练习
- Video: 7.8 对声音、场所和观众的把握
- Video: 7.9 要注意的文化差异
- Video: 7.10 总结与问答
Week8. 课程总结及后续学习建议 Conclusion and advices
课程至此就已接近尾声,本周主要对课程进行一些说明,同时对课程内容要点进行了总结。仅仅学完这门课是不够的,对于后续的学习,张宏岩老师也提出了几点建议,同学们可以继续去完善自己的英语演讲技能。希望大家能从本课程中收获到终生受益的知识,并将其应用到实践当中去。This session reviews the essence of this course, and gives advices for further study.
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- Video: 8.1 对课程的几点说明
- Video: 8.2 优秀演讲的三个要点
- Video: 8.3 中式幽默与美式幽默的比较
- Video: 8.4 优秀英语演讲的另外两个要点与要点总结
- Video: 8.5 关于演讲前准备的几点建议
- Video: 8.6 关于后续学习的建议
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